Mark Griffin – Male UltraCore Blog Wed, 29 Dec 2021 20:21:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mark Griffin – Male UltraCore Blog 32 32 A Primer on Free Testosterone and Your Health Wed, 29 Dec 2021 20:21:16 +0000 By now, chances are, we’ve heard how important a role testosterone plays in men’s health–especially…

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By now, chances are, we’ve heard how important a role testosterone plays in men’s health–especially when it comes to increasing libido and boosting performance in bed.

And why not?

Testosterone levels tend to decline as men age after experiencing their absolute peak during early adulthood. After age 30, testosterone levels drop by as much as 1-2% per year, and this ratio is thought to increase with age.

Massive, sudden drop-offs in testosterone levels may be caused by Testosterone levels that tend to decrease with age. They peak by early adulthood and can drop by up to 1% per year beginning around age 40. Sometimes, these falls occur due to injuries, diseases, infections, or side effects arising from certain medications, chemotherapy, or radiation.

Testosterone is the primary “male” sex hormone associated with developing “masculine” characteristics. Still, the hormone is found in both men and women.

Most of the testosterone we have in our bodies binds to proteins like albumin and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). Still, men and women have a small reserve of unbound free testosterone floating around the body.

And while a person can theoretically have average testosterone levels, they can just as much experience low free testosterone levels. This might invariably lead to symptoms such as erectile dysfunction, low libido, weight gain, hair loss, mood swings, and loss of bone and muscle mass, to name a few.

Aging is a hallmark cause of low T in the body. Still, low T can also arise due to testicular damage, obesity, diabetes, thyroid disorders, or side effects from medication.


Free Testosterone 101

Most of us would be familiar with testosterone. Still, not all might know that we have what is called “bound testosterone” and “free testosterone.” Testosterone generally binds to one of two proteins, albumin, and SHBG.

However, a smaller percentage running around 2-5% of your total testosterone levels is unattached and known as “free” testosterone. Like testosterone bound to albumin, free testosterone is more easily used by the body than others. It is known as the amount of bioavailable testosterone in the body.

Total testosterone levels are measured of bound and free testosterone in the bloodstream.

Testosterone plays a key role in libido, facial hair and body hair growth, erections, sperm production, mood regulation, keeping muscles and bones dense, and producing red blood cells.


Testosterone: where does it originate from?

Testosterone production is a complex process. It starts with the hypothalamus releasing gonadotropin-releasing hormone, or GnRH, which then tells the pituitary gland to introduce luteinizing hormones (LH) into the blood. Then, once LH arrives in the testicles, it stimulates Leydig cells in the testes, which are in charge of producing testosterone in men.

On the other hand, in females, the theca cells in the ovaries create testosterone.

As testosterone concentrations arise in the bloodstream, the pituitary gland and hypothalamus are motioned to inhibit testosterone production. While it may be a rather complicated process, this general process flow is how the body regulates hormone levels.


Why test for free testosterone?

More and more men are becoming worried about their testosterone levels, especially as they age.

Aging is a surefire factor that causes a decline in testosterone concentrations over time. As early as age 30, levels may start to drop at a rate of 1-2% per year and then degrade faster after age 80 and beyond.

Low testosterone in itself isn’t exactly a massive problem. The problem is when individuals manifest symptoms combined with their low testosterone levels, implying deficient testosterone concentrations. As much as 12% of men may have a testosterone deficiency, and this number increases–by age 80, nearly half of men this age bracket and above may experience low T.

Consult your doctor if you suspect you are experiencing low testosterone. You may be asked to take a series of tests to check both your total serum testosterone and free testosterone. Free T declines faster than total T. Other men may experience low free testosterone but otherwise normal total levels. Test for both types of testosterone so you can conclusively determine the full picture of your situation.


Free testosterone and its relationship to health

Your testosterone levels are at their highest during the mornings, and concentrations fluctuate all day round. In general, testing for low T may need several tests between 8 to 10 in the morning, ideally to determine whether you have low T.

Medical conditions that may lead to low T include being overweight/obese, metabolic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol, testicular/reproductive damage, autoimmune diseases, thyroid and pituitary gland dysfunctions, infections, and side effects from recreational drug use/antidepressant use.

Treating such underlying health conditions may lead to improved, more balanced testosterone concentrations in the bloodstream.

Should your testosterone measurements fall under the abnormal spectrum of testosterone levels, your doctor might ask you to undergo further tests on your LH (luteinizing hormone), FSH, or DHEA-S (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate).


What to do in case your free T levels are low

Regardless of your total testosterone concentrations, you might still have low free T levels, which may lead to symptoms of low T like reduced sex drive, erectile dysfunction, tiredness and fatigue, and loss of muscle and bone mass.

Talk to your doctor if you suspect your free T levels are low and if any symptoms are manifesting.


Is it possible to have too much testosterone?

Testosterone levels need to be balanced with the rest of the hormones. Too little may lead to a low T diagnosis. Too much might cause side effects like acne breakouts, increased prostate cancer risk, gynecomastia, mood swings, hypertension, high cholesterol, and shrunken testicles.

Tumors in the testicles or adrenal glands may also cause an oversupply of high testosterone in men.


What to do in case you suspect you have low free T levels

Quite frankly, it is a fact of life that older men will experience a decline in their T levels compared to their younger years. And it’s not the number alone that matters–it’s whether your low testosterone concentrations lead to other health conditions. Consult your doctor, get a physical exam, and determine whether blood tests are required. Your primary health care provider will be in the best position to provide you the right response.

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The Complex Science of Erections Wed, 08 Dec 2021 17:49:54 +0000 There’s one thing about having a penis: having one is seemingly so natural for us…

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There’s one thing about having a penis: having one is seemingly so natural for us men, but how it works remains a mystery to many of us.

The thing is, men ought to know more about the science of erections–mainly because of how complicated its mechanics actually work.

Getting wood requires the concerted efforts of multiple physiological systems to work simultaneously.

But erections aren’t simply an indicator of you getting ready to get it on between the sheets.

Running into problems with your pecker could be a significant indicator that something’s amiss with your health.

Let’s deep dive into the science of how erections work.


How do erections occur?

Erections require a seamless effort between the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive systems in a series of complex events. All things being equal, the male penis can allow as much as eight times the standard rate of blood flow, allowing for firm, hard, and satisfying erections. But a single spanner in the works can spiral into complete and total erectile dysfunction–which can be the sum of all fears for some men.


Penile anatomy, 101

So what comprises the penis? The penis is made of three main parts: the head (glans), shaft, and the urethral opening (meatus). Then, the corporum cavernosum, which is filled with spongy tissue that is engorged with blood during erections, and then there’s the corpus spongiosum, which contains the urethra.


All about erections

Erections are most commonly associated with sexual arousal. Ultimately, erections are caused by physical responses to biochemical reactions occurring in the body.

See, whenever the body experiences arousal, the plethora of blood vessels in and around the penile tissue and the male reproductive organs dilate, meaning more blood fills the spongy tissues. It is right around this moment where the phenomenon of erections occurs.

Once climax and ejaculation are achieved, or if the feeling of heightened sexual arousal wanes, blood starts to drain elsewhere, and the penis returns to its flaccid state.


The erection cycle

Erections are the ultimate result of a complex series of bodily reactions stemming from arousal in the central nervous system. Here’s how the cycle works:

  1. First, sexual arousal is triggered by the central nervous system (includes “morning wood”–or the erection men experience during the first few moments of their waking hours)
  2. The brain transmits the arousal signal to the central nervous system via the spinal cord.
  3. cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate, an essential compound for erections) induces relaxation of the blood vessels in the corpora cavernosa. The corpora cavernosa forms the lion’s share of penile tissue, full of blood vessels that cGMP relaxes so more blood rushes through them. This leads to erections.
  4. As blood rushes into the penile tissue, the veins that drain blood from the penis compress, trapping the fresh inflow of blood to remain within penile tissue, leading to a full erection.
  5. Finally, a vasodilatory enzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5) breaks down the cGMP, leading to the loss of the erection and resulting in the penis returning back to its flaccid state.


Problems with getting erect

What happens when men start having problems with getting erections or getting hard enough to enjoy vigorous, satisfying sexual intercourse? That’s called erectile dysfunction (ED). ED is one of the most common sexual disorders reported in the United States and the rest of the world.

Worse, ED doesn’t start and end with your penis–it can be a red flag signifying something possibly more sinister underneath the hood.

We’re talking about the usual culprits: heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, or low testosterone.

If you’re experiencing symptoms of erectile dysfunction that may be bothering you or interfering with your sex life, consult your doctor and ask for what treatment options you might have or lifestyle changes you may need to implement. It can only be good for your health and your sex life.


Low testosterone and erectile dysfunction: the link

Testosterone plays a crucial role in the erection response. However, their relationship goes deeper than mere correlation, and the jury is still out to the definitive cause. Some men may experience frequent erections despite having low testosterone levels.

One thing is for sure: low testosterone levels are linked to the same risk factors that lead to the same ones that affect erectile dysfunction. They are, in fact, the exact same culprits: heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.


Treatment options for low T and ED

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is often recommended for individuals who are clinically diagnosed with low testosterone through qualified medical testing. TRT has successfully restored libido in men with low T levels, but its effect on improving ED is yet inconclusive.

But for most men who have testosterone levels playing around the normal range, TRT isn’t really an option. Rather, more efforts need to be made to determine the causes and solutions.

PDE-5 inhibitor drugs such as sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), avanafil (Stendra), and/or vardenafil (Levitra) are also an option. These drugs boost blood flow to the penis by dilating the blood vessels, leading to a temporary boost in men’s erections due to the increased blood flow.

Nevertheless, consult a primary healthcare specialist if you suspect you might be suffering from low testosterone.

In addition to either of these options, your doctor might also prescribe some lifestyle changes such as getting more exercise, consuming a healthy diet, and even taking a testosterone booster supplement (Male UltraCore ranks as one of the top natural testosterone formulas out in the market today). Both can reduce the risk factors that lead to low testosterone and erectile dysfunction and improve your sex drive and libido.

Sometimes, all it takes is just the right combination of exercise, diet, supplements, and the right course of treatment to help get your erections back on track.

After all, erectile dysfunction is becoming more and more viewed as a holistic medical issue–and more deservedly so as a potential future indicator for an acute heart attack. ED is ultimately caused by arterial blockages. These atherosclerotic blood vessels are often a prelude to heart attacks and strokes, which is why they should be viewed with care and caution. It’s not as simple as popping a blue pill.

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7 Physical and Psychological Factors that Cause Low Libido Mon, 22 Nov 2021 20:56:45 +0000 Libido is a complicated thing. And in medicine, to find solutions, determining the health problem…

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Libido is a complicated thing.

And in medicine, to find solutions, determining the health problem is necessary.

We can say the same thing about our sex drives as a whole.

It’s perfectly normal to have your libido wax and wane. It’s perfectly normal for one partner to be more interested in sex than the other at any given point in time. And it’s a certainty that your flame of passion will die down the longer you stay together.

Low libido becomes a legitimate sexual dysfunction when it starts to cause relationship problems. These should be taken into consideration with your health care professional to determine if your low sex drive is clinically significant such that it requires medical attention. It should also be persistent for at least six months or more to be categorized as such.

Low libido can be abrupt or a gradual decline. Therefore, it is crucial to determine the physical and mental factors that can influence and impact desire over time. These 7 factors are essential details to consider in treating low libido.


  1. Relationship problems

Interpersonal problems have been strongly linked to lower libido in men. For instance, men whose partners suffer from low libido report more sexual health concerns than men whose partners have a healthy sex drive.

Problems with libido have also shown a link to individuals in long-term relationships not finding their partners attractive enough. Determining where a man stands about his relationship and being honest about it is essential in helping improve his sex drive. Consulting a mental health professional or a sex therapist is an option for men with existing interpersonal problems.


  1. Performance anxiety or self-esteem issues

A person’s feelings about himself play a significant role in viewing himself as a sexual entity. Men with a low self-opinion about themselves tend to report lower libido in general. This arises from self-confidence issues regarding how they view their physical bodies and how attractive they perceive themselves to be.

Often, insecurity about how they measure up to other men in the endowment department or how they measure up to societal norms about how men should act and feel. That also includes the false notion that men should want more sex, leading to performance anxiety. Men who struggle to keep their erections hard enough for both partners to enjoy sexual pleasure will often find reasons to avoid sexual intimacy and therefore report a lower libido.


  1. Mental health issues

Mental health issues can significantly influence a man’s sexual desire. Studies have reinforced the notion that depression, anxiety, bipolar disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and eating disorders have all been linked to an increased incidence of low libido in men. Such cases may require the help of a mental health professional to work through the issues that cause issues that bleed through in the bedroom.


  1. Certain prescription medications

Certain prescription medications for mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), OCD, and chronic pain may negatively affect libido. In particular, specific serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRI), apart from the latter, are also linked in affecting erectile and ejaculatory function.

A host of prescription medications, such as antidepressants and anti-seizure medications, and specific cancer treatments, including opioid pain relievers, affect sex drive. Even certain over-the-counter medicines for allergies and recreational drugs such as cannabis can dampen your libido. If you are taking any particular prescription or OTC medications you suspect could be affecting your sex drive, consult your doctor. Maybe switching medications or brands or discontinuing a specific medicine may do wonders for your libido.


  1. Underlying health conditions

Sex drive is often influenced by overall general health. Therefore, it’s not surprising that individuals with existing health conditions and comorbidities have been more prone to experiencing low libido.

In particular, men suffering from neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis may experience a lower interest in sex. Chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and immune diseases like HIV may all cause lower libido. However, it isn’t yet conclusive if the lower libido stems from the health issues themselves or if the medications used to treat them cause it.


  1. Hormonal imbalances

Hormonal imbalances are often implicated in men struggling with low libido. Low testosterone is a known factor that correlates to low libido. Aging also causes a decrease in testosterone levels, particularly in older men. This may partially explain the increasing lack of interest in sex in older men. The good thing is that many of these hormonal imbalances can be easily diagnosed with a blood test–and can be addressed with a host of lifestyle changes or by taking a testosterone booster supplement (as opposed to expensive testosterone replacement therapies.)


Male UltraCore is ranked as the top natural testosterone enhancement supplement out in the market today because of its superior technology. Male UltraCore features two proprietary technologies that promote enhanced blood flow throughout the body and androgenic compounds designed to raise free testosterone levels. Male UltraCore is exclusively available at


  1. Sociocultural practices and beliefs

Every individual is a product of their socio-cultural milieu and upbringing. Therefore, much of our upbringing determines how interested we are in sex. It’s a worthwhile exercise to understand how a person was socialized in seeing himself as a sexual being. Might there be religious beliefs that influence your point of view on sex? How about the number of sexual partners? How about monogamy? These sociocultural factors play a more significant role than most of us think and should be considered when figuring out the potential causes of low libido.



Low libido is a perfectly normal facet of aging in men. It shouldn’t be a cause for shame and embarrassment. That said, if a low sexual drive is bothering you and is causing you problems with your relationship, seek medical attention and consult your doctor. Low libido may be symptomatic of a more extensive underlying medical condition or a psychological issue. Many factors might be behind low libido. These seven factors are a great start in determining what is causing particularly low libido in men. It could be any one or a combination of these seven factors. Whatever is causing it, talking to a medical professional about it is the first step in treating it.

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The Lowdown Between Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Anabolic Steroids Tue, 19 Oct 2021 19:24:45 +0000 Let’s get it out of the way: there is a considerable difference between anabolic steroids…

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Let’s get it out of the way: there is a considerable difference between anabolic steroids and testosterone therapy (TRT). Still, it remains a common and potentially dangerous misconception. TRT is a therapy wherein an adequate dose of testosterone in the body of people diagnosed with low testosterone levels or have hypogonadism. On the other hand, anabolic steroid use is generally associated with the unregulated use of steroids in patients who do not have any hormonal deficiencies.

Medical and biological knowledge has come a long way. We have finally found out how the adrenal system regulates hormone productions (including testosterone). Changes that were once accepted as part of the typical male aging process have become medically resolvable conditions. These include increased body fat, decreased muscle bulk, lower energy reserves, reduced sex drive, erectile dysfunction (ED), and depression as medically resolvable conditions.

There practically seems to be a drug (whether already commercially available or experimental) for almost every disease we can think of. While this dramatically improves the health of millions of people, it is a double edge sword in that many people have also begun self-medicating. A great example of this is taking anabolic steroids without the guidance of medical experts for increasing athleticism and performance.


How does TRT differ from steroids? 

Steroids were developed a century back to treat hypogonadism or low testosterone, which manifests as delayed male sex characteristic development and low muscle mass. It has worked wonders since then and continues to do so today for such patients.

Unfortunately, in recent times, professional athletes and bodybuilders, and to a horrifying level, even regular citizens, are taking anabolic steroids to stretch their physical and endurance prowess to the next level. People who are disappointed with their progress in the gym are also susceptible to using steroids to obtain more significant and better muscles in a shorter amount of time. Because it has become so rampant, competitions are cracking down on steroid use. Many competitions now require routine check-ups, physical examinations, and urine tests to ensure the contestants are not using such performance-enhancing drugs.

You may ask now, if it does improve performance, why is it wrong? The answer to this is that many people take anabolic steroids in doses 10 to 100 times above the clinically used dosage. Because they are not guided by medical professionals, they are more likely to develop adverse reactions and life-threatening medical conditions. Moreover, there is a lack of regulation on the distribution of steroids not just in the United States but even globally. It is effortless to obtain these in large quantities over the internet, even without prescriptions, and people buy them without knowing their actual purity and dosage. An alarming subset of these people, including teenagers, also develops substance addiction and overdose.


Steroid side effects

It is incorrect to assume that TRT and steroid side effects are the same. TRT is safe to use for people with hypogonadism, while self-medication with anabolic steroids when your body doesn’t require any leads to catastrophic side effects.

Unwanted side effects from steroid misuse and abuse include acne, baldness, enlarged breast, cardiovascular diseases, decreased sperm count, testicle shrinkage, and internal organ dysfunction. An overlooked side effect is an addiction since steroids, like other commonly abused drugs, can interfere with neurochemical signals in our brains.

In stark contrast, TRT can be very beneficial for whom this is medically indicated for and when taken in the appropriate dose and frequency. These benefits include increased energy, better libido, improved mood, and greater muscle density and tone.


Possible risks and side effects for TRT

All pharmacologic medications have pros and cons. Not a single drug has a perfectly safe and side-effect-free profile. Given our individual differences, we respond differently to medications as well. Going back to TRT, typical side effects include mild itching or skin irritation at the injection site.


What should I watch out for?

Some conditions have been found to worsen when taking TRTs. Individuals suffering from them should consult with their doctors to weigh the benefits and risks of taking testosterone replacement medications.


  1. Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer cells grow and proliferate when androgen hormones bind to their respective androgen receptors. This is the reason why androgen suppression therapy is done for patients with prostate cancer. Therefore, it makes sense that testosterone replacement, which is an androgen hormone, may not be the best choice for this group of people. In fact, even those who are at increased risk for prostate cancer are also cautioned to be judicious in undergoing TRT.


  1. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)

OSA is not simply a problem of snoring when one sleeps. It is linked to increased risk of stroke and cardiac arrest and therefore should be taken seriously. Likewise, the use of TRT may worsen the severity of sleep apnea. Taking note of the worsening of OSA is quite tricky, given these should be observed with proper equipment during your sleep cycle. If you (or your spouse) notice an increase in the number of your apneic episodes, don’t hesitate to bring it to your doctor.


  1. Thromboembolism

TRT contains an FDA warning on its packaging regarding the increased risk for blot clots. When you receive a testosterone shot, you may expect an increase in the number of RBCs in your bloodstream, which predisposes you to a hypercoagulable state and blood clot formation. Blood clots are dangerous when they break off and lodge in the main arteries of your heart and brain. This can cause heart attack and stroke, respectively. Deep venous thrombosis (DVT), a condition where the clot blocks the venous return from your legs, is also a medical emergency if it ever occurs.


Visit a specialist to determine if TRT is recommended for you.

Remember that testosterone and steroids are not the same. Medical conditions such as hypogonadism can be treated with TRT. Still, steroids could have catastrophic side effects if used for the sole purpose of performance enhancement. If you believe you are experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, don’t hesitate to visit your general physician. They would be more than glad to help you out in choosing what medication is best suited for you.

Better yet, consider taking Male UltraCore–the award-winning testosterone support formula featuring over a dozen proven natural ingredients that boost your testosterone levels without needing to go for expensive testosterone replacement therapy or invasive procedures. Male UltraCore is powered by its superior testosterone formula that relies on pure, medical-grade extracts of each ingredient, guaranteeing a superior result.

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How to Keep Your Testosterone Levels High in Your 50s (and Onwards) Wed, 06 Oct 2021 20:35:36 +0000 Testosterone levels (T-levels) in males peak at around puberty. An average healthy male produces about…

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Testosterone levels (T-levels) in males peak at around puberty. An average healthy male produces about 6 milligrams of testosterone daily. But as they age, their body experiences changes, their metabolism slows down, and naturally their T-levels start to taper down as well. According to studies, this decrease starts once you hit your thirties and by the time you celebrate your 50th birthday, you can expect your testosterone to be half than what you had when you were a teenager.

But what exactly does this have to do with you? The answer to that is, marked decrease in T-levels can increase your risk for cardiovascular events like heart attack and stroke, as well as decreased physical prowess and performance. But fortunately, those in their 50s and 60s are still capable of bulking and keeping their muscle mass intact through proper exercise, adequate rest, and healthy lifestyle. Some well-known Hollywood celebrities like Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise are prime examples of how males over 50 can still look fresh and revitalized.

However, it is undeniably hard for some people to maintain all these necessary requirements to keep themselves in tip-top shape, and become interested in modern anti-ageing procedures and treatments that are available on the market. But for those who would want to try more conservative measures in increasing their testosterone levels, you have come to the right place. We have prepared 6 simple and easy tips that you can apply for a healthier and more robust life in your 50s!


  1. Adhere to a Regular Workout Routine

Several studies have shown that regular exercise promotes a natural increase in your testosterone levels. Aside from testosterone’s muscle building capacity, exercise by itself keeps your body fat low and helps stimulate muscle fibers, leading to a firm and well-defined physique. Moreover, exercising keeps the heart active and pumping, which helps improve blood circulation to the muscles and aids in delivering nutrients and oxygen to all other organs. Overall, working out ensures good health to your entire body and helps decrease risk for developing lifestyle-related diseases like obesity, diabetes, stroke, and hypertension. Think about how you can hit multiple birds with just one stone!

Some exercises you may try out include swimming, biking (whether stationary or outdoor cycling), jogging, running, and compound exercises (eg. squats, weightlifting, pullups, etc.). For those who are looking for more challenging workouts, you can try your hand in high-intensity workouts (HIIT) to get your heartrate up in just a few seconds. All these activities can boost testosterone production. In fact, experts have found that your T-levels spike up for 15 mins up to an hour, depending on the level of intensity of your workout and also depending on the individual. Make sure you have the proper posture and that you are not overexerting yourself to avoid accidents and injuries. You can build up your routine as you gain more muscle and stamina. If you have pre-existing conditions, make sure to consult your doctor regarding the appropriate level of exercise you should be doing.


  1. Take Vitamins and Supplements

Apart from a healthy and well-balanced meal, you can also take vitamins and supplements to ensure you meet all your body’s demand for producing testosterone. For people who have particular food restrictions due to personal food preferences or due to medical reasons, supplements are a great way to cover for potential nutritional deficiencies. Making sure you have a good supply of micronutrients, phytochemicals, vitamins (such as A, B, C, D, and E), minerals (such as potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, and iodine) will likewise help in repairing the muscle wear and tear you incur during your workout sessions. Eating the right amount of food in terms of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates also aid in synthesis of muscle fibers and repair of other tissues and organs. In addition, there have been recent studies on the effect of probiotics on testosterone levels. A clinical trial showed an increase in T-levels and sperm count in infertile men undergoing probiotic therapy. However more research is still needed to confirm this apparent relationship.


  1. Ensure Adequate Protein Intake

Protein is an essential building block for both testosterone and muscle. And protein, of course, primarily comes from the food we eat. Some well known protein-rich food are white meat (eg. chicken), fish, eggs, milk, and other dairy products. Plant-based sources of proteins include chia seeds, tofu, quinoa, almonds, peas, oats, and green vegetables. Given the wide array of foods rich in protein, you are very likely to find one which you genuinely enjoy and look forward to every meal.

However, make sure you do not leave out other macronutrients such as carbohydrates, antioxidants, and healthy unsaturated fats. While proteins help build muscles, you still need carbs and fats in order to supply energy when working out. Therefore, all these are needed by the body in appropriate amounts. Eating from a varied range of healthy food options is key to having a balanced dietary plan.


  1. Take Natural Testosterone Boosters

Natural testosterone boosters like Male UltraCore are viable options for those who want to improve their muscle growth and achieve their fitness goals. It can also help individuals who are struggling with the negative effects of decreased testosterone such as low energy, fatigue, and depressed mood, osteoporosis, decrease in mental acuity, excessive weight gain, and decreased libido.

Make sure to consult your general physician if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms to determine which testosterone booster is best to use in your condition. There are many options to choose from and your doctor can help you in deciding which one to pick – but only Male UltraCore, quite frankly, makes the cut. Do your own research and you will see why.


  1. Unwind and Relieve Your Stress

Cortisol, the stress hormone produced by the body in times of physiological or psychological distress or pressure, antagonizes the production of testosterone. As such, it is highly recommended to decrease your cortisol levels in the blood either by avoiding anxiety-inducing situations or by participating in stress-relieving activities.

Finding leisure activities that you enjoy, love, and calms you down will help bring down your cortisol levels. While it is normal to get stressed at work or at home once in a while, if this becomes long-term stress and your cortisol becomes chronically elevated, it can be detrimental to your testosterone levels. So don’t feel guilty to take a deep breath and enjoy life in between your work. It may be as simple as taking a peaceful walk in the park, eating good food, hiking with your family or friends, etc. Do what is best for you.

Relaxing may also involve getting a break from your daily workout, especially when you’ve done consecutive high-intensity sessions. This not only repairs your muscles but also lifts your mood.


  1. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

It may seem like a no-brainer that we all need to sleep every day. However, what actually helps us replenish our energy is not solely the number of hours we sleep but also the quality of our sleep. A deep, restorative sleep will help repair your cells and muscles overnight and will make you feel refreshed the next morning. If you are awakened every few hours at night, the cellular repair is not optimized and it would leave you tired and possibly cranky afterwards. And as mentioned earlier, stress negatively impacts testosterone production. Based on research, adults need around 7 hours of good undisturbed sleep every night. In states where cannabis products are legalized, CBD oil may be an effective option to relax your muscles and get a restful slumber.


You Can Do It

Declining T-levels is a major concern globally, since experts have found a link between low testosterone levels and increased risk for insidious diseases such obesity and premature death. Particularly for males in their 50s, the effects of decreased testosterone can alter their daily life and overall virility. Thankfully, there are different methods that can help boost testosterone production and maintain muscle density. Some of them are regular exercise, good nutrition, taking care of your mental health, and adequate rest.

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Stress, Anxiety, and Sex: How Do They Interact? Tue, 05 Oct 2021 20:41:52 +0000 Erectile dysfunction (ED) happens when you run into difficulties getting an erection hard and firm…

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Erectile dysfunction (ED) happens when you run into difficulties getting an erection hard and firm enough for you and your partner to enjoy vigorous, satisfying sex.

ED might also include situations when you manage to get it up, but can’t keep it engorged long enough or if you don’t last as long as you want to (or used to).

And there’s no doubt about it: ED can be a distressing and harrowing ordeal for many of us. But don’t worry – erectile dysfunction is common. 40 million American men experience some form of ED at one point in time or another, but the good news is that it is treatable.

ED is triggered by a bunch of factors. Some of them physical, some of them genetic, and some of them psychological.

One of the primary psychological factors that cause erectile dysfunction is stress.

Daily stress and anxiety caused by problems at work, family, finances, or society, as well as poor habits such as lack of sleep (among others) can seriously affect every aspect of your health – sexual health included. And it only goes downhill as you age.

There aren’t many issues as horrifyingly devastating to sex than anxiety and stress. That’s because these factors could do a number not just on your own personal health and well-being, but also your intimate relationships – complicating even your sex life. They could also hamper the complex reproductive and sexual processes that allow you to enjoy the best of sex.

Here’s how stress and anxiety can lead to a decline in sexual function – and how to reduce it to enjoy sex well into your golden years.


Stress: a vicious, recurring cycle

Stress affects sexual function in many ways.

When the body responds to stress, blood redirects itself away from the penis to prioritize supplying the large muscle groups.

Stress could also boost norepinephrine levels in the brain. Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter and hormone that constricts the blood vessels, which is the exact opposite of what you need to obtain an erection – that is, expanded blood vessels to allow for unimpeded blood flow to the penis.

Prolonged, constant bouts of stress could also lead to infertility, diminishing sperm production and quality.

It doesn’t end there: the constant propaganda we are bombarded with 24/7 through the internet and social media influences cultural and personal ideas about what the perfect man and perfect relationships ought to be.

This leads to millions of unhappy relationships burdened by the weight of some imaginary (and arbitrary) criteria of sexual satisfaction.

The fact is, many men might take longer to obtain and maintain an erection as they age – but all of this is just a normal consequence of aging. However, aging brings more experience and wisdom to men’s sex lives, and all it often takes is to make the necessary adjustments to enjoy sex. This includes making time for reset breaks, switching positions, or trying new things between the sheets.

That’s not to say you can’t still enjoy sex as you did back in your younger year.

By making some simple yet impactful changes, and learning how to deal with stress and anxiety better, you can enjoy a much better sex life by the stressors that affect it in the first place.


Concrete steps you can take

To continue enjoying a happy, healthy, sexy life as you get older, you must say no to stress and learn how to relax. Here are some simple ways you can reduce the stress level in your life:

  • Get adequate amounts of rest and downtime. Balance is what happy, healthy individuals pursue in their lives. And if you’re a workaholic, remember that you will function better by taking your rest and relaxation seriously. Getting six to eight hours of sleep everyday is a good start.
  • Have more sex. It’s easy to feel stress and tension when you’re spending your waking hours obsessing over burdensome thoughts like the fear of not being able to pleasure your partner. And sometimes, all you need is to actually just do it – engaging in sex could be the perfect antidote. Sex improves your circulatory function and boosts blood volume while increasing oxygen and blood flow throughout the body – all of which contribute to optimal sexual health.
  • Go for healthier food choices. Carrying an unhealthy amount of weight isn’t good for your self-confidence, and it sure won’t do your sex drive any favors. Eating better promotes positive mental thoughts and confidence. Get your share of vegetables, fruits, and healthy proteins such as fish, apart from whole grains, rather than processed foods that are laden with fat, sugar, and sodium.
  • Stop comparing. It’s tempting to view Instagram feeds of men who have aged well and enjoying fabulous lifestyles, and feel that you can’t cut the mustard. But always comparing yourself to others can damage your mental health immensely, while adding unnecessary pressure to your sex life.
  • Leave stress outside the bedroom. Consider transforming the negative energy that stress and anxiety bring into positive mental energy. Concentrate on harnessing that energy towards action and stimulation instead.



Learning how to manage stress is part and parcel of keeping balance between good physical and mental health. Traumatic experiences do increase the likelihood of contracting disease by the individuals affected by them.

However, it’s important to remember to learn how to deal with emotions arising from such events by dealing with them in a healthy way. Some individuals are able to put stressful experiences in the past behind them, and instead focus on what they can do in the here and now.

In addition, taking up hobbies such as exercise, meditation, and yoga – or any other hobby, for that matter – can go a long way in helping individuals recover from past traumatic experiences and manage their daily stress productively.

Yes, it takes a lot of fortitude, strength, and conscious efforts to deal with stress, but it’s also important to remember that all good things take time. All of us deal with stress differently. But by confronting the beast head-on, your entire life – not just your sex life – will be better for it well into your adulthood.

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The Lowdown on Ejaculations and Aging Tue, 21 Sep 2021 20:30:27 +0000 Quite frankly, there isn’t much information about ejaculation issues apart from premature and delayed ejaculation…

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Quite frankly, there isn’t much information about ejaculation issues apart from premature and delayed ejaculation and blood in the semen.

However, it’s not uncommon to see men concerned about their declining ejaculatory function as they age. Urologists will attest to this.

Anyway, what’s in a word? What does ejaculation mean?

Ejaculation results when a man is sexually stimulated and friction on the penis and other sexual stimuli signal the central nervous system to ejaculate. This is when the walls of the epididymis contract to push and eject sperm into the vas deferens.

The process results in a cocktail of neurotransmitters and brain chemicals such as serotonin, oxytocin, prolactin, and nitric oxide are released.

Here’s another cool fact about ejaculation: you don’t need to have an erection to orgasm and ejaculate. While a flaccid penis may not be able to penetrate as an erect one would, it is still 100% capable of orgasming and ejaculating.

Let’s take a closer look at this phenomenon and the effect of aging on ejaculatory function.


How do ejaculations change as we age?

As men age, ejaculatory and orgasmic function frequently diminish in intensity, coupled with reduced volume, force, and trajectory. This is often worsened by the fact that testosterone levels decrease throughout adulthood, which leads to lackluster, unsatisfying experiences culminating in a weak dribble of semen, instead of the forceful ejaculations that they once enjoyed in their younger years.


Why does it matter?

Quite frankly, men (and their partners) dislike underwhelming ejaculations and orgasms. Sex is an integral part of life for many of us. Therefore, while getting the necessary “wood” is necessary, the result – that is, the ejaculation and orgasm – is just as vital as getting fully erect for action.

Though we may be in our forties and fifties (and onwards), we all want to be able to point, shoot, and take our partners to Space Mountain like we did 20 years ago. Everyone wants to be able to ejaculate like a supernova, and everyone wants those supremely intense and pleasurable feelings of years past.


Ejaculation and the science behind it

Mind-blowing orgasms don’t occur in a vacuum. Climaxing consists of emission, ejaculation, and orgasm. When sexual stimulation intensifies and reaches the point of no return, we have emission, where the prostate gland, epididymis, seminal vesicles, and vas deferens are loaded into the prostate.

Upon ejaculation, your pelvic floor muscles pulsate and contract, sending them down the penile urethra to forcibly expel the semen in an explosive, rhythmic eruption. This results in the emotional and mental bliss that is the orgasm that comes with ejaculation.

Put it this way: ejaculation occurs in the penis, while orgasms happen in the specific centers of the brain, such as the amygdala and the thalamus, apart from the spinal cord and nervous system.


What is ejaculate made of?

Most of the ejaculate is a cocktail of genital secretions that nourish and support sperm. The remainder (less than 5%) of the volume is semen volume itself. A large part of the secretions (70%) consists of viscous fluid from the seminal vesicles, and the remaining 25% of the ejaculate consists of secretions from the prostate, which produces a white emission. A miniscule amount is pre-ejaculate, or precum, which works as a lubricant.


What is the normal volume for ejaculate matter?

Average ejaculate volume ranges from two to five cc (up to a teaspoon). While the prospect of massive ejaculations sounds like a good thing, it may lead to infertility as a result of the inordinate amount of seminal fluid – effectively drowning the sperm in it.


Why do the prostate and seminal vesicles produce less fluid with aging?

As men age, their prostates grow larger. An aging prostate gland as well as seminal vesicles produce less secretions, while the ducts that serve to drain genital secretions may become clogged as time goes by. It’s a lot like the changes in urinary function men experience as they age. Moreover, the pelvic floor muscles, which are integral to ejaculatory function, experience diminishing strength and stamina as men age.


How do pelvic floor muscles change with aging? 

The pelvic floor muscles, in particular the bulbocavernosus muscle that surrounds the urinary chamber is what powers ejaculations through rhythmic contractions, which allow ejaculation and intensify orgasms.

Muscles weaken with age. Weakened bulbocavernosus muscles may result in a dribble of semen that lacks force and diminished trajectory. On the other hand, strong bulbocavernosus muscles contribute to forceful expulsion of ejaculate upon climax.


Is it possible to get those ejaculatory juices flowing again?

One of the ways to improve ejaculatory function is by training your pelvic floor muscles, in particular the bulbocavernosus muscle that powers it. The stronger these muscles are, the better the force and the better the absorption of blood in the erection chambers located in the urethra. Having strong pelvic floor muscles may help improve the quality of the orgasms that come along with the physiological processes of ejaculation.


Can I use testosterone boosters to improve ejaculation/sperm volume and quantity?

Plenty of supplements in the market claim to be the silver bullet to solving erectile dysfunction or boosting sexual performance. However, much of the scientific evidence that supports some of the claims made by supplements range from iffy to promising. Worse, supplements can vary wildly in quality.

However, one of the most promising supplements with the science to back it up has come in the form of Male UltraCore, which is packed with 2800 mg of over 12 natural testosterone-boosting ingredients such as KSM-66 ashwagandha, longjack, horny goat weed, tribulus, and l-arginine, among many others.

What separates Male UltraCore from other testosterone boosters of its ilk is that it exclusively uses standardized ingredient extracts optimized for potency, instead of using ground-up dried herbs that miss more than they hit as far as effectiveness is concerned. With advanced vasodilatory technology and the highest-quality testosterone boosters, Male UltraCore has been proven to give men a significant boost in energy, sex drive, and peak erection size and quality.


Supercharge your performance with Male UltraCore

Male UltraCore is a premium testosterone boosting supplement that is designed to maximize test levels, increase your performance and drive, and give you harder and fuller erections.


Male UltraCore is exclusively available online via its official website at

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8 Vital Nutrients You Need More Of (To Treat Erectile Dysfunction Naturally) Thu, 12 Aug 2021 21:57:12 +0000 Consider organic supplements for erectile dysfunction just like your regular herbal supplements since they are…

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Consider organic supplements for erectile dysfunction just like your regular herbal supplements since they are both not regulated and approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This puts a stark difference between herbals and prescribed medicines—the efficacy and safety you get from one aren’t always guaranteed — unless you’re using Male UltraCore.

Preliminary studies have shown that there are some vitamin supplements, with their effect of increasing nitric oxide, that promotes blood circulation to the penis. Below are herbal supplements that can ease erectile dysfunction.


Horny goat weed


Known for being a traditional Chinese herbal medicine for centuries, we can presume that horny goat weed has rightfully earned its name. The substance responsible for horny goat weed being a remedy for erectile dysfunction is its icariin content. Icariin inhibits another substance called PDE5, which is also how erectile dysfunction prescriptions function, like Viagra and Cialis, for instance. However, the biggest downside to icariin is that its impact on the human body is still unknown since existing studies have only conducted tests on animals and in test tubes.




Taken from Yohimbe bark, yohimbine is a substance that is incorporated in aphrodisiac supplements. There are several studies made regarding Yohimbe and its active ingredient. A 2015 review of multiple studies discovered yohimbine is more effective for relieving erectile dysfunction than placebo—7 of the clinical trials produced affirmative results regarding the health benefit of Yohimbe.


Red ginseng


Also known as Korean ginseng and Panax ginseng, red ginseng has been revered as a treatment for erectile dysfunction in many traditional Asian medicines. This is attributed to a compound called ginsenosides, which maintain normal erections. A 2018 meta-analysis comprising 24 controlled trials assessed the effect of red ginseng on 2080 men suffering from erectile dysfunction. The tests gave results in favor of red ginseng, where it improved penile erections, leading to the potential of this herb as a treatment for erectile dysfunction. Even with this favorable outcome, the researchers still warned that there is still a need for more studies to be conducted to verify the therapeutic effect of red ginseng. Red ginseng requires more research before we can call it medicine.



Dehydroepiandrosterone, or simply known as DHEA, is a natural hormone booster of sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone. The adrenal glands produce this hormone. Studies show that the effects of DHEA supplements helped increase testosterone levels coupled with exercise. However, other studies have shown that DHEA does not affect the increase or decrease of testosterone levels.


Citrulline and arginine


Citrulline and arginine are both amino acids that improve erections by boosting the production of nitric oxide. Watermelons are rich sources of citrulline. The only difference is that citrulline is a precursor of arginine. Whereas citrulline relaxes the blood vessels, which is like the effect of Viagra, arginine causes the blood vessels to widen. A 2019 analysis using 1500 to 5000 mg of L-arginine improved the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) scores of the participants. Arginine holds the potential for curing mild to moderate erectile dysfunction.

However, the argument regarding the effectiveness of arginine supplements comes from the composition of arginine. When incorporated into supplements, arginine may have a reduced efficacy because it breaks down rather quickly. Having a deficiency in L-arginine does not impair the function of the penis and erections. This causes a contradiction in many of the existing scientific studies.


Vitamin D


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Sunlight is the most abundant source of Vitamin D. Other foods that are also rich in Vitamin D are fatty fish like salmon and sardines, egg yolk, liver from animal meat, and dairy products. Having a Vitamin D deficiency leads to severe health conditions—one of these is erectile dysfunction. According to a 2016 study, the likelihood of vitamin C-deficient men experiencing erection issues is at 32%. A 2020 meta-analysis suggested a correlation between having lower Vitamin D levels and the severity of the condition. However, another 2019 study produced results showing that deficiencies in Vitamin D do not worsen erectile dysfunction. Despite the conflicting results, it would be best to stay on the safe side and get your daily dose of vitamin D. If you want to take it a step further, you can check your Vitamin D levels via a blood test.


Vitamin B3


Also known as niacin, vitamin B3 helps in regulating circulatory functions. Niacin supplements might also help facilitate penile blood flow. A 2011 study revealed the efficacy of niacin in minimizing the symptoms in men with moderate to severe erectile dysfunction. You can ensure your daily niacin needs by consuming meat such as turkey, chicken, avocado, peanuts, and mushrooms. For niacin supplements, it is best to follow the dosage instructions to avoid the effects of excessive niacin, which includes gout ulcers, arrhythmias, higher chances of stroke, and vascular flushing.


Folic acid


Scientific studies have also found the relevance of Vitamin B9 or folic acid in erectile dysfunction. In a 2014 study focused on patients with erectile dysfunction, most also appeared to have deficient levels of this nutrient. Studies regarding the potential of folic acid as a treatment for erectile dysfunction showed promising results, as stated in a 2020 study. Although erectile dysfunction in 50 participants was not entirely treated with niacin alone, the overall improvement of all participants alone is something that should not be underestimated. You can avoid niacin deficiency and reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction by eating oranges, green vegetables like spinach, kale, and broccoli, avocados, bananas, eggs, and beans.


Other Recommendations for Treating Erectile Dysfunction


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Herbal supplements should only be given secondary treatments next to doctor-prescribed medicines. While their therapeutic benefits have shown potential based on the initial studies, their healing effect is still not widely accepted, since multiple studies produce contradictory findings. There are medically approved treatments for erectile dysfunction that can only be provided with a doctor’s prescription. Some of the prescribed treatments are:


  • Prescribed medicines. The efficacy of oral medications for erectile dysfunction has been proven and tested. Some of the well-known brands include Viagra (sildenafil), Cialis (tadalafil), and Levitra (vardenafil).
  • Non-oral drugs. Orally prescribed medications are sometimes not practical for other men due to the side effects. With this, another alternative is the administration of alprostadil via injection or suppository. Erectile dysfunction due to low testosterone production can be treated through testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). This method can be applied using a patch, gel, or injection. However, these are costly, potentially-invasive, and their results are not guaranteed. Consider taking a testosterone booster supplement like Male UltraCore–itself tested for potency and efficacy–and ask your doctor whether Male UltraCore can help you achieve the same result as more costly options such as this.
  • Devices and medical tools. Certain devices can help in restoring and enhancing normal sexual function in males, specifically regarding erections. Some of these tools include a penis pump, cock ring, or even a penis implant which are proven to be effective in assisting men with their sexual dysfunction.
  • Improving your lifestyle. A properly functioning erection can only happen if the individual is in his optimal condition. Lifestyle modifications do not require a doctor’s prescription, so you can take the initiative in preventing and delaying the occurrence of reproductive problems. Being physically active by exercising gets the blood pumping and also helps in shedding off extra fat and weight. Obese men are especially vulnerable to erectile dysfunction; thus they would benefit from exercising consistently. Observing a healthy, well-balanced diet is another highly recommendable means of preventing erectile dysfunction. Staying away from harmful substances such as alcohol, cigarettes, and other depressants and stimulants has a tremendous impact on one’s sexual health.


Consult a doctor when the first warning signs of having erectile dysfunction and other sexually related problems emerge. Most of the time, erectile dysfunction is not a disease by itself but a symptom of a more serious underlying health condition. Erectile dysfunction is an early indicator of life-threatening illnesses such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, and many other diseases. Your overall health is non-negotiable, making it your obligation to take care of your well-being and ask for medical help when needed.


Learn how you can safeguard your sexual health and perform at your very best with Male UltraCore. Available exclusively at

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Is Daylight Saving Time Screwing Up Your Sex Drive? Tue, 10 Aug 2021 20:51:00 +0000 Daylight Saving Can Mess up Your Internal Body Clock Daylight Saving Time (DST) has long…

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Daylight Saving Can Mess up Your Internal Body Clock

Daylight Saving Time (DST) has long been known to affect the body in many ways. By moving our clocks either 1 hour in advance (during spring) or 1 hour behind (during fall), we also alter our body’s natural cycle also known as “Circadian Rhythm”. Even a seemingly small disturbance of 1 hour in the number of hours we sleep per day, can affect multiple systems in our body and even dull our mental alertness according to experts. We can also experience daytime sleepiness, erratic mood swings, and a general feeling of unease and unexplainable fatigue. This is why it is important to understand the effects of Daylight Saving Time on our overall health.

Circadian rhythm is a 24-hour sleep-wake cycle that matches itself with the amount of light in the environment. This cycle’s main control system resides within our brain and helps to keep our cells synchronized throughout the day. As we all know, light is the principal time cue which signals the body when it is time to wake up or sleep. For instance, when the sun shines through your windows, your body instinctively knows you have to get up from bed and start the day, while darkness stimulates the release and build-up of melatonin in your body which causes you to fall asleep.

How Daylight Saving Time Affects Your Testosterone Levels


The morning sunshine does not only play a role in signaling the cells in your body to wake up. It is also responsible for the production of sex hormones such as testosterone. This is a crucial process since both men and women need sufficient levels of testosterone to maintain a healthy libido and sex drive. Some research has also shown that greater light availability in the morning is linked to a higher tendency for increased libido.


What Does the Time Change Do to My Libido?

Many would agree that waking up to complete darkness first thing in the morning, and arriving at your house in darkness, overtime can negatively impact our mood and energy levels. This time change, therefore, increases the risk for seasonal affective disorder and depression, which in turn often manifests as lethargy and disinterest in activities that we usually enjoy, take pleasure in, and look forward to — and unfortunately, yes, that includes sex.

Moreover, when we lose an hour of daylight, we consequently experience longer hours of darkness, and this causes a buildup of melatonin levels, which makes us feel sleepier, more tired, and ultimately crave the comfort of our pillows and blankets. High levels of melatonin make sleeping on the bed a much more enticing option compared to a hot passionate round in the bedroom.


Is My Sex Life Worse During Shorter Days

The above discussion may lead a lot of people to question whether their sex life is worse during the time change. While there are no exact answers to this, data shows that the highest birth rate is in September, which means that most conceptions occur during the shorter days of the year. This may be attributed to the fact that a longer duration of darkness leads to more time in the bedroom, and so, sex can take place more often in this period.


Is My Libido Affected By Changes In My Sleep Schedule and Routine?

It is generally known that lack of sleep is correlated to decreased sex drive. This is especially evident as an individual age. As such, there remains a possibility that sex will be less frequent across the nation during springtime Daylight Saving Time. However, you shouldn’t be immediately alarmed with having decreased libido after a few days of inadequate sleep. Typically, decreased libido comes about after a prolonged period of lack of sleep, according to Adina Mahalli, a relationship consultant and sexual health expert from Maple Holistics.


Would more sex help me sleep better?

If changes in sleep cause an effect in our sex life as previously discussed, then would it also be true that sex can affect our sleep too? Yes, that’s correct! Having more sex, indeed, can help you sleep better. And better news yet, more sleep subsequently fuels your sex drive too!

When an individual participates in a love-making session, hormones are being released. And one of them is oxytocin, which is the hormone responsible for that feeling of shared bond with your partner. When we climax, the hormone called prolactin is also released, which promotes relaxation and sleepiness. Likewise, the level of the stress hormone cortisol is also decreased during sex.

But the benefits don’t stop here yet, especially for the ladies, as sex also stimulates an increase in estrogen levels. Higher estrogen levels facilitate reaching the REM stage in your sleep cycle thereby giving you a deeper, more refreshing slumber. If you’re currently dealing with sleeping problems or sleep disorders especially during Daylight Saving Time, getting more active in the bedroom department may help improve your quality of sleep!

How to Get Out of a Sexual Rut

With the time change messing up our body clock and sex drive, it might be a little difficult to spruce things up in the bedroom. But fear not as we have 10 hot tips to help rekindle that passion between you and your partner:

1. Make the first move. Don’t let opportunities go to waste and grab the chance.
2. Get a change of scenery. Visit new places and maybe take a little vacation if you can.
3. Keep the mood light and fun. Don’t let the pressure get to you. Be free and playful!
4. Always communicate. Take time to listen to what your partner needs and wants.
5. Give them a little surprise. Get them some flowers or give a massage, prepare dinner at home, or light up some candles! Show your love through your actions.
6. Agree on a schedule. Try to pace out yourself and know when it works best for you and your loved one.
7. Set your imagination free. Explore new ideas that you haven’t before to keep the excitement going.
8. Relax. Loosen up, unwind, and let go of all your stresses in life. Just enjoy your time in each other’s company.
9. Be spontaneous. Don’t overthink and go for it when the mood feels right. Spontaneity is sexy!
10. Tell them how much you love them. Turn on your romantic charm and set the mood, Mr. Loverboy. Work your magic and enjoy!


Get out of your sexual rut with Male UltraCore


Male UltraCore is the leading testosterone booster and male enhancement solution that’s scientifically backed with 75 pages of research–the same one that powers its unprecedented testosterone support formula. Safeguard your sexual health no matter what your age with Male UltraCore and experience the Male UltraCore difference. Male UltraCore is exclusively available on its official website at

The post Is Daylight Saving Time Screwing Up Your Sex Drive? appeared first on Male UltraCore Blog.

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Anabolic Steroids: Friend or Foe? Mon, 09 Aug 2021 18:29:55 +0000 Testosterone, the primary sex hormone in men, performs multiple functions in the body such as…

The post Anabolic Steroids: Friend or Foe? appeared first on Male UltraCore Blog.

Testosterone, the primary sex hormone in men, performs multiple functions in the body such as promoting sexual development, regulating libido, maintaining bone mass, building muscle mass and strength, as well producing red blood cells and sperm.


On the other hand, anabolic steroids are synthetic counterparts of testosterone and its derivatives, that were created back in the 1930s to treat low levels of testosterone, particularly for hypogonadism. More recently, anabolic steroids have been made infamous in the media, prominently within the field of sports. Some professional athletes and bodybuilders take it illegally to enhance their performance and to further increase their endurance and strength for the competition. However, it is important to make a distinction between anabolic steroids used and approved by doctors to treat several medical conditions and off-label used anabolic steroids.


Anabolic Steroids in the Medical Setting


Anabolic Steroids can be legally prescribed by physicians for many conditions. One major use of anabolic steroids is to treat male hypogonadism, a condition wherein the testes fail to produce sufficient amounts of testosterone, sperm, or both, in the body. A treatment option for patients with hypogonadism includes testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) which can be administered via injections, a patch, or topical gels.


Anabolic steroids can also be utilized in cases of patients with delayed puberty to promote sexual maturation and development. Treatment of which can be done in the form of a series of testosterone injections.


Lastly, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and HIV patients, who usually battle against severe weight loss and muscle wasting due to their illnesses, can also be given anabolic steroids to help them regain weight and build back lost muscles.



How Do They Work?


Like testosterone which is naturally produced by the body, synthetic anabolic steroids also bind to androgen receptors in the brain and initiate a cascade of events that regulate the expression of male characteristics and stimulate particular cells to produce proteins that will serve as building blocks for muscle formation. As we can see, testosterone and anabolic steroids (in the right dosage) have relatively the same effects on the body, owing to their similar mechanism of action at the molecular level.


The Dark Side of Anabolic Steroid Abuse and Misuse


Unfortunately, anabolic steroids are among the most frequently abused drugs based on the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), wherein it is reported that users often take doses ten to a hundred times the approved medicinal limits.


We all have heard of several athletes who have been banned from competing and even stripped of their titles, after failing drug tests and testing positive for performance-enhancing substances, including anabolic steroids. This has even led to the development of “Designer steroids”, which produces a far greater anabolic effect and muscle development compared to its androgenic effects, to stay under the radar of suspicion. These kinds of drugs can even remain undetected in some drug tests.


The Dangers of Anabolic Steroid Overdose


According to the American Medical Association (AMA), the issue of anabolic steroid misuse even spans over to non-athlete citizens. Data shows that around 2.9 to 4 million Americans, most of whom were males, and including a staggering 20% of the teenage population, have used the said drug at one point in their lives. Some of them take anabolic steroids to improve their gains in the gym or to simply look leaner and more muscular.


And regrettably, within these statistics, around 1 million have developed a dependence on the said medication. In this cohort, overdose is a great deal of concern. As they become tolerant to anabolic steroids, they up their doses much higher to achieve their desired effects which can ultimately lead to a drug overdose, and worse, death.


Moreover, individuals who are concurrently using other illicit drugs such as cocaine, amphetamines, marijuana, opiates, and others, who decide to also take anabolic steroids, are at much higher risk for overdose. Anabolic steroids can decrease the stimulant and/or psychogenic effect of these drugs, which in turn can lead to increased intake of the drugs and lead to overdose. Anabolic steroids are also known to have drug interactions with alcohol and other prescription medicines.


How People Usually Abuse Anabolic Steroids


  1. Cycling. This refers to taking steroids for an allocated duration of time (for example 2 to 4 months), then stopping for another period, and then resuming again. This is often done to stimulate the body to increase testosterone production, and to minimize the side effects of steroids.


  1.   Pyramiding. This method is called such because a user starts from a low dose of anabolic steroid, and slowly builds up to the ceiling dose halfway of the cycle, and then cuts back down to a low dose at the end of the cycle.


  1.   Stacking. Stacking refers to the simultaneous intake of multiple kinds of steroids in the false belief that this will create a synergistic effect and improve gains and muscle buildup. Some also try to experiment, by taking oral forms of the steroids while also using injectable forms of the drug.


Anabolic Steroid Adverse Side Effects


Taking anabolic steroids, especially if without the guidance and supervision of your doctor, can cause multiple effects on your body. The advent of technology and online shopping also contributes to its misuse, as consumers can order anabolic steroids illegally from unreliable sources, from which the exact dose and purity of their products are hidden from the public.


In general, anabolic steroids can cause acne, mood changes or aggression (famously known as ‘roid’ rage), increased risk for heart attack, liver disease, osteoporosis, elevated red blood cell count (aka polycythemia), decreased levels of good cholesterol, and dysuria or painful urination. Particularly in men, other adverse effects that can occur include enlargement of the breast or gynecomastia, low sperm count, decreased libido, testicle shrinkage, and thinning of hair. As for women, they may unfavorably develop enlarged clitoris, facial hair growth, and decreased libido.


While anabolic steroids have vast medical benefits for different diseases as previously tackled, their propensity to be abused remains a big problem in society. They can cause small side effects such as acne but can also cause serious life-threatening complications, especially if abused. As such, it is highly advised to never use anabolic steroids unless it is prescribed to you by your physician. And if it is prescribed by your doctor, see to it that you are taking the right amount, the right dose, and the right frequency as instructed.

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