Glenn Fitzpatrick – Male UltraCore Blog Thu, 20 Aug 2020 17:25:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Glenn Fitzpatrick – Male UltraCore Blog 32 32 The Best Way to Do Leg Extension Thu, 20 Aug 2020 17:25:07 +0000 Most leg extensions are performed using the lever machine. You place your body on a…

The post The Best Way to Do Leg Extension appeared first on Male UltraCore Blog.

Most leg extensions are performed using the lever machine. You place your body on a piece of furniture while you lift the bar neatly padded using your legs. This workout routine is very efficient when it comes to building the quadriceps muscles and strengthening it.

This exercise is beneficial when it comes to increasing your upper and lower body. It is also instrumental when it comes to bodybuilding and strength development.

Step-by-step instructions on how to do Leg Extensions

You first put your hands directly onto the bars provided for your hands on the lever machine. Then you breathe out while lifting the weight till your legs are completely stretched out.

Maintain a straightened back and knee; make sure that they are not bent in any form. Breathe out while reducing your leg and the weight to the original position. Repeat this procedure for ten to twelve times to get the best results


Numerous benefits are closely associated with strengthening the muscles of your quadriceps. This can only be achieved by engaging in useful leg extensions.

The quadriceps are often referred to as the most massive muscles in the frontward position of your thighs. The numerous benefits of leg extensions include:

  • Leg extensions are very beneficial when it comes to strengthening your patellar ligaments and even your quadriceps, which are carefully placed on your knees. Its main motive is to improve your quad muscles, but in the process of increasing your quad muscles, it also enhances your knees’ joints.
  • It is a perfect workout exercise for individuals who are just beginning to work on their quadriceps. This is because you need not worry about maintaining the ideal form or posture. After all, you can never go wrong using the lever machine.
  • This exercise is perfect for individuals who have concluded with their regular workout routine and are exhausted. This is because you can comfortably sit on the lever machine’s furniture while raising the lever machine with your leg. It is not stressful and does not require excess strength like deadlifts or squats.
  • Performing leg extensions can enable you to focus on some part of your muscles, which would result in a better in better performance. For example, performing deadlifts entails concentrating on numerous types of muscles in your body, which is not the case with leg extensions. It primarily has its main focus on your quadriceps.
  • Most individuals engage in discussions that leg extensions have adverse effects on the knees; however, the opposite is the case. Because the knee is barely stressed during this exercise, leg extensions are regarded to be significantly relieved exercises for your knees.

Common Mistakes

If you want to perform leg extensions, you must do it the right way to avoid complications and injuries. Make sure you watch out for the equipment you use to achieve this workout and avoid making these mistakes.

Excess weight

leg extensionPerforming this exercise is an activity that entails that you rely heavily on the lever used in transporting the weight. You don’t need to increase the pressure to the highest to get the best results.

While your quadriceps are stretching out your knee, the load is placed on your ankles’ joints. This would enable that you benefit the best from using a minimal size weight.

Also, putting the lever machine at its max can lead to chronic complications and injuries. In total, the lever machine should be farther away from you to avoid muscle and joint pain.

Leg extensions are workout routines that would be felt on the legs if appropriately done but would be felt on the knees if done wrongly. Watch how you use these lever machines to avoid injuries in your knee joint.

Imbalanced Training

Leg extensions are mainly exercises that build your quadriceps. As you go on, your quadriceps would tend to develop faster than any other part of your body, thereby leading to imbalances.

It is essential that if you engage in leg extensions, you should also performing full-body workouts. This would ensure that your body is well balanced in strength and physique.

Say No to Multi-joint Training

Desist from multi-joint training because they can cause complications and issues in your body.

You must perform other types of leg workout routines to strengthen and buildup your legs even if you perform leg extensions. Maintain the performance of basic leg exercises like deadlifts, squats, and also lunges.

High Sets

leg extension formYou must maintain a specific number of sets you wish to perform on the lever machine and do not exceed it. Perform at most twelve sets of leg extensions while lifting a neutral weight.

You do not need to push your body to its limit while performing leg extensions, or it can result in complications and injuries.

Moving too fast

You must move at a minimal rate while performing leg extensions to avoid sustaining injuries to your knee joint.

Alternative Exercises

Bodyweight leg extensions

You can also perform leg extensions while sitting on piece furniture. This exercise can also add more strength to your quadriceps without the use of weight. This exercise is ideal because it does not place any stress on your knees.

How to perform it:

Sit on furniture while placing your feet firmly on the floor and widely apart from each other. Maintain a straightened back and stretch your knee to raise your other leg. Return to your original position.

Repeat this exercise for ten to twelve sets on both sides of your leg to get the best results.

Standing leg extensions

This is a superb exercise that aids in strengthening your abdominals and quadriceps. It is similar to performing leg extensions on the lever machine because it equips you with coordination and balance.

How to perform it:

Maintain a standing position while your feet are placed wide apart from each other. Maintain a distance between your ears and shoulders. Tighten your abs while lifting your foot off the ground.

Maintain a bent knee while putting your additional feet backward. Straighten your knee to straighten your leg at your front. Repeat this procedure for ten to twelve sets on both sides to get the best results.

To intensify the exercise, you can add a bit of weight to your ankle while raising your legs. You can reduce this exercise’s intensity by using your hand to lean on the wall for support.


Squats are known to be very beneficial when it comes to strengthening the muscles of your legs. Not only does it work on your quads, but it also has significant effects on your butt, abs, lower legs, and even your hips.

How to perform it:

Maintain a standing position while your feet are spread wide apart. Position your toes to be in an outward position while putting your hands together at your sides. Tighten your abs while straightening your backside.

Put your hips backward while maintaining bent knees. Reduce your hips till your thighs are proportionate to the floor. Make sure that your knees are kept above the ankles. Place your heels deep into the floor while standing up.

Repeat this procedure for ten to twelve sets on each side to get the best results. You can intensify this workout by holding a dumbbell or even a kettle bell while performing the squats.

Reverse lunges

Like leg extensions, reverse lunges are superb exercises that straighten your quadriceps and develop your balance skills.

This exercise also works immensely when it comes to the activation of your hamstrings, abs, and glutes. It is a superb workout because you tend to tone different areas of your body.

How to perform it:

Maintain a standing position with your feet placed by your side. Move your foot at your back while forming a right angle and push your foot back to the original post. Repeat this exercise for ten to twelve sets on each of your legs to get the best results.

Bulgarian split squats

This is a superb workout which implements on your hips and glutes. This is an exercise that is also effective on your quads and even your hamstring.

To perform this exercise, you require a dumbbell to add more intensity to the workout and a bench, which is lower than your body.

How to perform it:

Maintain a standing position while your back is placed on the bench. Grasp the dumbbell in your hand and put your elbows directly in contrast to your body.  Put your legs in a lunge position while putting your other leg on the bench.

Firmly place your other foot on the ground. Keep a bent knee while lowering your other knee. Lower your body till your thigh is proportionate to the field.

Push your foot while returning to your original position. Repeat this procedure for ten to twelve reps on both legs to get the best results.


Leg extensions are by far one of the best types of exercises for individuals who would like to build their quadriceps. There are also some types of alternatives to leg extensions, which would also give you good results.

Do not make some errors while performing leg extensions like putting too much weight on your leg to avoid injuries.

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Perfect Form with Front Squats Thu, 20 Aug 2020 17:14:33 +0000 If you are looking for an excellent alternative to the normal barbell squat or back…

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If you are looking for an excellent alternative to the normal barbell squat or back squat, you should consider doing front squats.

When it comes to the back squat, you work your hamstrings, quads, glutes, and also call on your lower back and abs to actively stabilize the torso while lifting and lowering the bar. It is, for sure, an efficient exercise for building strength.

However, if you want to increase muscular strength and size, you should add the front squats to your exercise program. It is an underrated exercise that deserves more recognition than it gets.

It has vast similarities with the back squat, and the only major difference is that the bar is held across the front of the shoulders; instead of behind your neck, it is positioned at the top of your chest.

The positional adjustment is one that sees the quads have more responsibility in managing and moving a more significant share of the weight. It also makes your core muscles do more work to balance the upper part of your body and keep your torso upright.

The front squat also comes with an additional benefit that the back squat doesn’t have. You can squat more safely when doing front squats because you mount a position that helps you maintain perfect form and stay upright, unlike the back squat.

Common mistakes when doing front squats

If you are making these mistakes when doing the front squat, you do not have a perfect form;

Pressing the weight against your throat

front squat hardWhile doing the front squat, the bar needs to be placed on the top of your shoulders, with your elbows up and kept in place by your fingers. Might restrict your air passage if you use your fingers to press the bar against your throat or if your elbows go too high.

You can seriously injure yourself if you blackout during the front squat because of the weight being pressed against your throat. Immediately lower the weight and drop to one knee if you notice something off about your vision, awareness, or breathing when doing front squats.

Not learning to bail correctly

Lifting heavier things is one step to getting stronger. However, there are times when you fail on the lift when trying to lift heavy things.

Probably the scariest prospect when lifting is finding out that you are going to fail the lift, being trapped under the bar, and not knowing a safe way to get away from the weight.

Bailing properly from the weight is an integral part of lifting that you should learn. Even when using lighter weights, train yourself to fail and bail so that when you actually need to bail from a weight, you will do it properly.

Poor ankle and hip mobility: not squatting deep enough

If you are among those that normally sit in cars or desk chairs all day, you probably have poor ankle and hip mobility. It is a prevalent mistake that people only go down a few inches while doing front squats and think they have completed the movement.

You cheat yourself and only complete a half rep if you don’t squat deep enough that the top of your thighs are parallel. If you want to squat deeper, you can turn your feet out a bit more and take a slightly wider stance.

Poor development of wrist and shoulder flexibility

Another major problem when doing front squats is that some exercisers lack the needed wrist, arm, and shoulder mobility for grabbing the bar correctly with the use of their fingers.

It is possible to do a cross-grip front squat, although it is not advisable to use heavier weights as you cannot safely bail while performing this movement. When doing the front squats, use fewer fingers or grip the bar wider and also ensure that your elbows stay up.

Not staying vertical enough

The front squats can be a tricky movement if you are trying it for the first time. The bar needs to remain over the middle of your feet.

Unlike the back squat, you need to be significantly more vertical; imagine a line was drawn from the bar to the floor, that line should bisect your feet. While doing front squats, most people tend to bend forward, and this could cause problems.

How to do the front squat

This is how to maintain perfect form and perform the front squat properly;

  • The bar should be secured in the squat rack before you start and also at mid-chest level.
  • With both hands, grab the bar a little bit wider than the distance between your shoulders.
  • Mover closer to the bar and enter a quarter squat position so that the bar touches the front of your shoulders and the top of your chest. Take your elbows forward and as high up as possible while still holding the bar. Ensure that your elbows stay high all through as this helps to keep the bar secure in the crook of your hands and resting against your shoulders and chest. It also keeps your body upright.
  • Take the bar out of the rack by driving up.
  • Take a step back and keep your feet in a distance of the width of your shoulders and ensure that your toes point a little diagonally away from themselves.
  • Keep your torso strong by inhaling deeply to fill your chest, brace yourself, and then lower into the squat by bending your legs. Ensure that your heels are down and your knees are wide apart.
  • Keep lowering until your legs become parallel with the ground, then revert to the initial position by driving up. That is the perfect form, and you have completed one rep.

Variations of the front squat

Band-resisted front squat

You can add a resistance band to the exercise if you feel like it is not enough, just lifting the weight on the bar. In addition to increasing the resistance of the lift, it also loads the resistance at the top of the move, which is where the tension peaks in the band.

What this means is that there is no additional load towards the lower end of this movement, and it could be a risk because of the mobility challenge. However, it increases your power and forces you to counter the band’s increasing resistance by driving all the way up.

If you want to do this version of the exercise, you fasten the resistance band to a racked bar and ensure that both loops are kept in a slightly broader distance than shoulder-width.

Next, you stand on the band. Then, you do the front squat like you normally would, while ensuring that you keep your form and not be thrown off by the additional resistance.

Offset kettle bell front squat

This variation is one that generally works your core. The highlight of this variation is adding more load to one side of your body so that while squatting, your core works harder to resist the urge to turn to the loaded side, which will involve more muscles than the ones enlisted for a normal up-and-down squat.

This variation of the front squat can either be performed with two kettle bells of different weights or just one. Grab the kettle bell and hold it in the rack against your shoulder, then lower into the squat.

When your elbow passes the inside of the thigh, you can drive up, making sure that all rotations in your torso are resisted.

Goblet squat

If you don’t feel confident about using a loaded barbell for front squats, you can start with a dumbbell or kettle bell until you have mastered the movement. Keep your arms bent and ensure your hands are above your elbows while you hold the weight against your chest.

Keep lowering deeper into the squat until your elbows make contact with the inside of your knees before reverting to the initial position by driving up. This variation strengthens your legs and makes you accustomed to holding a weight in front of you while squatting.

Elevated heels front squat

When doing any type of squat, it can be challenging if you don’t have proper calf flexibility and ankle mobility.

You can use weight plates to elevate your heels while doing the front squats, as you are still working on improving your mobility and flexibility. This will better work your quads and allow you to go deeper.

Front squat form tips

front squatElbows

The weight will tip forward is you allow your elbows to drop, which will see you lose balance and thereby end that set. You can correct this by actively trying to push your elbows to the ceiling while doing the squats.

It would be best if you also focused on bringing your hands either further apart or close together to see which position allows your elbow to go higher.

Hand position

If you are not used to the front squats, it might be challenging to maintain a perfect for because of the limited flexibility of the forearms and wrists. To fix this, warm your wrists up first and then interlock your fingers and twists your wrists two ways for some minutes.

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Stretches for Lower Back Pain Thu, 20 Aug 2020 17:07:54 +0000 It can be excruciating and uncomfortable if you are experiencing back pain. However, research has…

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It can be excruciating and uncomfortable if you are experiencing back pain. However, research has shown that the most cost-efficient and effective way to prevent or soothe is to stay physically active.

At some point, about 80% of people will experience lower back pain as it is a prevalent condition. However, there are varying causes, with the main cause being some changes in the lower back or lumbar structure because of musculoskeletal damage.

The musculoskeletal system consists of ligaments, tendons, muscles, bones, and other connective tissues that give your body stability, movement, and support.

The other muscles that are also responsible for maintaining the normal curvature of the spinal column are the hamstring muscles and hip flexor. These muscles have also been linked with lower back pain.

If you have minor back pain, it would usually clear up in a matter of days or weeks. However, if it lasts for more than three months, ensure you visit your healthcare provider as it could be chronic.

In both cases, you can relieve lower back pain or prevent it from recurring by stretching regularly and staying physically active.

The following are the best stretches you can do at home that would help relieve lower back pain;

Belly flops

In this stretch, your lower back is decompressed by using a rolled towel through supported elevation. These are the steps to do the belly flop;

  • Take a blanket or towel and roll it up in terms of length, then position it in front of you horizontally.
  • Press your hip bones into the blanket or towel by lying front-side down on it.
  • Then relax your body completely. Your head can be positioned to any side.
  • Maintain this position for about 2 minutes, and that is one rep. Do it for about three sets, taking a 60-second break before each set.

Supported bridge

To perform the supported bridge, you would need a firm cushion or a foam roller. Just like the belly flop, it also uses supported elevation to decompress your lower back. These are the steps to do the supported bridge;

  • Lie on the floor with your back while ensuring that your feet are flat and your knees are bent.
  • Raise your hips, then put a firm cushion or foam roller under them.
  • Relax your body fully into the support of the floor, along with the firm cushion or foam roller.
  • Maintain this position for about 60 seconds, and that is one rep. Do it for about five sets, taking a 60-second break before each set.

stretchingYou can stretch out one or both legs from the bent position if you want to increase the stretch in your lower back.

Flexion rotation

This is an exercise that is very effective when it comes to stretching your buttocks and lower back. These are the steps to do the flexion rotation;

  • First, get into position by lying on your left side while ensuring that your legs are fully extended.
  • Bend your right leg, and hook your foot at the back of your left knee.
  • Then with the use of your left arm, grab your right knee.
  • Then you place your right hand at the back of your neck
  • With a controlled and slow movement, touch your left shoulder blade to the ground to rotate your upper body backward. While doing this, you experience a slight stretch in your lower back.
  • Hold this stretch for about 3 seconds, then you revert slowly and repeat it for about ten more times.
  • Do all the steps again on your right side.

Seat forward bend

A frequent contributor to lower back pain and injuries are the muscles found at the back of your thighs, the tight hamstrings. This exercise is one that stretches the hamstring muscles to release tension and relieve tightness in the spine. These are the steps to do the seat forward bend;

  • Keep your legs fully extended in front of you while you sit on the ground.
  • Around the bottoms of your feet at your heels, you have to hook a standard bath towel.
  • Bend forward at your hips gently, then bring your belly down to the thighs.
  • Hold the towel and use it to bring your belly towards your legs while ensuring that your back remains straight.
  • Keep stretching and only stop when you feel mild tension in your lower back and the back of your legs.
  • Maintain this position for about 30 seconds, and that is one rep. Do it for about three sets, taking a break of 30 seconds between each set.

By grabbing the towel farther or closer to your feet, you can actively decrease or increase the tension of this stretch. You can increase the period for which you hold the stretch when you become more flexible, or you can rest for shorter periods between each stretch.

Pelvic tilt

If you want to release tight muscles and maintain their flexibility, then a simple way to do it is by performing the pelvic tilt exercise. These are the steps to do the pelvic tilt;

  • Lie on the floor with your back and ensure that your arms are by your sides, your feet are flat on the floor, and your knees are bent.
  • Push your stomach out and arch your lower back gently to stabilize your core.
  • Maintain this position for about 10 seconds before relaxing.
  • Ensure that your buttock muscles and abdominal muscles are tightened while you push your pelvis up toward the ceiling a bit. While doing this, you would feel as your lower back is being pressed into the ground.
  • Maintain this position for about 10 seconds before relaxing.
  • As a beginner, do about 15 reps per day and then slowly increase to about 25 to 30 reps.

Cat-cow stretch

This is an excellent stretch that helps to ease tension and increase flexibility in your core muscles and lower back. These are the steps to do the cat-cow stretch exercise;

  • Get into the starting position by getting on all fours and keep your knees apart in a distance of the width of your hips.
  • Pull your belly button up towards your spine to arch your back, and allow your head to drop forward. You have successfully done the cat aspect of this exercise.
  • Maintain this position for about 10 seconds, in which your lower back would feel a mild stretch. Then revert to the initial position.
  • Curve your back down toward the floor while raising your head and letting your pelvis fall forward. You have successfully down the cow aspect of this exercise.
  • Maintain this position for about 10 seconds and revert to the initial position.
  • Do the whole exercise for about 15 to 20 reps.

Trunk rotation

This is an exercise that research is effective when it comes to relieving tension in the lower back. The trunk rotation also targets your core muscles, which include your back muscles, muscles around your pelvis, and your abdominals. These are the steps to perform the trunk rotation;

  • You should stay in a position that looks as if you are sitting on a chair by bringing your knees up toward your chest while lying on your back.
  • Then stretch out your arms fully to the sides and ensure that your palms are facing down to the floor.
  • Keep your hands on the floor and your knees together. Then you roll your two bent knees to your left side and maintain the position for about 20 seconds.
  • Revert to the initial position, and this time, roll over to your right side and hold for another 20 seconds.
  • yoga poseDo about 5 to 10 reps on each side.


This is a stretch that helps relieve pain and tension and also lengthen your back. These are the steps to do the knee-to-chest;

  • Get into the starting position by lying on your back, keeping your feet flat on the ground, and bending your knees.
  • With the use of your two hands, grab your lower left leg and interlace your fingers or have your wrists clasped underneath the knee.
  • Ensure that your right foot remains flat on the ground, then pull your left knee up toward your chest gently until there is a mild stretch in your lower back.
  • Relax your hips, lower back, and legs while holding your left knee against your chest for about 30 to 60 seconds.
  • Leave your left knee and revert to the initial position. Repeat the steps with your right leg.
  • Do about three sets for each leg

If you feel like this stretch is not challenging enough, you can lift both of your knees toward your chest simultaneously for about 20 seconds. Repeat for three sets, taking a break of 30 seconds between each set.


Having pains in your lower back is a common condition that impacts a lot of people’s lives. Fortunately, it can be relieved and prevented by being physically active.

Some of the proven stretches to relieve lower back pain include the supported bridge, pelvic tilt, trunk rotation, and many others.

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Can Erectile Dysfunction be Treated with Ginseng? Thu, 13 Aug 2020 12:45:37 +0000 Herbs and plants have been used medicinal tradition for over millennia. For instance, Asian civilizations…

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Herbs and plants have been used medicinal tradition for over millennia.

For instance, Asian civilizations have used a variety of plants and herbs to alleviate and treat a wide array of health conditions.

Ginseng has two main strains: American and Asian. Each strain varies in the active biochemicals as well as their effects on the body. It is thought that American ginseng has a more relaxing effect on the body, while its Asian counterpart has an energizing, rejuvenating effect.

Ginseng’s two important compounds

Ginseng contains two important compounds that complement each other to provide health benefits: ginsenosides and gintonin.

Twelve different species of red ginseng have different levels of compounds, all of which have different responses on the body. Asian Ginseng contains a bioactive compound called ginseng saponins which fall into the category of ginsenosides.

This is a natural biochemical compound that can elicit the blood vessels’ relaxation and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The American variety of ginseng, however, is less effective than traditional Asian ginseng.

A lot of men who experience ED would prefer to try natural treatments before going onto traditional tablets to treat their ED. Some studies have found that ginseng’s traditional herbal medicine could be very beneficial in the treatment of symptoms of ED.

Studies supporting ginseng for erectile dysfunction

For instance, a study including over 2000 men with ED showed that ginseng supplementation resulted in improved penile erectile function and that it could be useful.

couple issuesThere is a data set of other studies in which men with ED were given a ginseng supplement. The supplement was administered 3 times daily with 600 mg and other doses, including 900 mg and 100 mg.

Ginseng may indirectly have an impact on ED. Studies have shown ginseng’s ability to relaxed blood vessels, increasing the flow of blood.

A previous study carried out in Japan demonstrated the ginsenoside’s ability to release a compound that can relax smooth muscle cells and promote vasodilation, ultimately increasing blood flow.

In turn, it also prevents the artery from contracting. This process can be compared to how traditional ED tablets like Viagra function.

Apart from increasing this supply of nitric oxide, ginseng also has a whole host of other beneficial effects. The evidence from these studies needs to be followed up by more in-depth studies, but there is a foundation of evidence for the claims.

In a particular study subjects who took 100mg of ginseng every day were found to have an increased receptiveness and effectiveness of the flu vaccine and were less likely to have a case of the flu or common cold.

Supplementing with ginseng could also have a direct impact on immune cells. Subjects who were given 100mg of ginseng daily for 8 weeks had increased lymphocytes and T cells, which help fight foreign bacteria or viruses.

Ginseng has also been hypothesized as a potential treatment for a range of cardiovascular diseases. It may help to increase the dilation of important veins and help reduce fat or lipids in the blood, which would be incredibly beneficial for the heart.

Ginseng has also been shown in studies to have a positive impact by lowering the risk of cancer. It has been reported that it may protect individuals against colon cancer through its ability to reduce inflammation.

Another potential way ginseng could help treat ED is that some studies have reported that taking ginseng may reduce stress.

Stress is one of the most important factors that can be factored into a man’s inability to maintain an erection. If ginseng can help reduce stress, it could also help a category of men who have ED alleviate their symptoms.

Ginseng can be obtained in many forms. Korean ginseng can be bought in an oral form as a tablet or pills. It is prevalent to consume ginseng as a tea either in a tea bag or by directly brewing the dried root.

Ginseng has a list of side effects that are important to remember. These include exacerbating the potency of caffeine as well as contributing to an increased heart rate. It is important to talk to a health care professional about supplementing with ginseng

If you feel yourself experiencing any symptoms of erectile dysfunction, it is important to talk to both your partner and your closest available health care professional. It is also important to remember that ED is common amongst men and nothing to be ashamed of.

Top 7 Health Benefits of Ginseng (Backed by Science)

Now that we know how ginseng impacts erectile dysfunction, let’s look at the many more ways ginseng can be harnessed for health. Without further ado, here are a list of 7 scientifically proven health benefits of ginseng.

1. Ginseng may reduce inflammation

Ginseng has been proven to aid in reducing inflammation and prevent stress.

2. Ginseng may benefit cognitive function

Studies have found ginseng to be beneficial for cognitive function. It can help both healthy people and those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease to feel more calm and centered, and experience an overall boost in mood.

3. Ginseng may aid against erectile dysfunction

As discussed earlier, ginseng has been found to improve erectile dysfunction by reducing oxidative tissue stress and boost blood flow throughout the body, including the pelvic region, where the male reproductive is located.

Ginseng’s compounds not only reduce oxidative stress in the cardiovascular system and the reproductive system – it may also help restore normal penile function.

Moreover, ginseng may promote nitric oxide production, which is the compound that induces erections, improves muscle relaxation, and boosts blood flow in the penis.

4. Ginseng may give your immune system a boost

Ginseng has been studied for its effects on cancer patients’ immune systems, particularly those that are undergoing chemotherapy or otherwise surgery.

A study involving 39 people recovering from stomach cancer surgery that were treated with 5,400 mg of ginseng every day for a period of two years found that they enjoyed improved immune function and a reduction in symptoms.

Ginseng, therefore, may improve the responses of the immune system in people fighting cancer, and might even improve the effect of some vaccines.

5. May Have Potential Benefits Against Cancer

dried ginsengGinsenosides in ginseng appear to control inflammation, protect against antioxidants, and keep the cells healthy, all of which decrease the risk of contracting certain types of cancer. This, however, needs to be studied more in-depth.

Ginsenosides are also thought to prevent abnormal cell growth.

Additionally, an observational study showed that those who take ginseng may be less likely to develop cancers such as those of the mouth, lip, stomach, colon, esophagus, lungs, and liver, as opposed to those who don’t take ginseng at all.

6. Ginseng may aid against fatigue and increase energy

Ginseng may help fight tiredness, boost energy, increase endurance, and therefore enhance physical performance by increasing cellular energy production and reducing oxidative damage on the cellular level.

7. Ginseng may reduce blood sugar

Ginseng has been found to be beneficial for people with and without diabetes. It may play a role in reducing and controlling the presence of blood sugar in both categories.

Both strains of ginseng (American and Asian) have also been suggested to improve the function of cells located in the pancreas, boosting the production of insulin, and enhancing blood sugar uptake in tissue.

Additionally, extracts made out of ginseng may help provide protection against antioxidants, which control the presence of free radicals for people who are dealing with diabetes.

How do I include ginseng in my diet?

Very simple: ginseng can be consumed raw, boiled into a tea, or added as an ingredient in certain types of dishes. It is also consumed as part of a supplement, capsule, oil, or otherwise consumed in a powdered version that is easy to mix with most foods.

What are the side effects of ginseng?

Research shows that ginseng appears to be safe for human consumption, and that it should not cause any adverse effects or reactions in otherwise healthy people.

That said, people who are taking maintenance medications for diabetes should keep a close eye on their blood glucose levels when supplementing their diet with ginseng to make sure that their levels don’t fall too low than what is needed.

It also must be noted that ginseng may reduce the effects of anticoagulants.

It is for the abovementioned reasons that you should always discuss any plan to go on a supplementation program with ginseng with your healthcare provider before even thinking of taking it.

Children and lactating or pregnant women are otherwise advised to avoid ginseng due to a lack of studies testing its safety on such subjects.

It is also worth mentioning that studies show that prolonged ginseng use may yield diminishing returns over the long haul.

Ideally, ginseng is taken in cycles of 2-3 weeks with a biweekly or weekly break in between cycles – however your healthcare provider will be the best resource to determine how much of it you should take and how often.

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What Causes Erectile Dysfunction and How is it Treated? Thu, 13 Aug 2020 12:27:11 +0000 Sometimes the process of getting an erection can seem incredibly simple. It is an incredibly…

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Sometimes the process of getting an erection can seem incredibly simple. It is an incredibly complicated process that requires many biological processes to time and fire correctly.

If one single process doesn’t work perfectly, or if one hormone isn’t released, the whole process is thrown off-kilter, resulting in what can be characterized as erectile dysfunction, or ED.

Erectile dysfunction is incredibly common amongst men – more common than you think. However, it is 100% treatable through a range of different medications and changes in one’s lifestyle.

How is erectile dysfunction determined?

ED can be characterized by an erection not lasting as long as the man would have wished. It can also include erections that aren’t as strong as desired.

It is incredibly common amongst men with estimates ranging between 3 and 75% of men being affected by ED at some stage of their life. The penis organ serves as the standard-bearer of health.

It can often show signs of something being more wrong in the body earlier than any body part. It can show signs of cholesterol and more serious heart conditions. The relationship between the heart and penis are very tightly linked.

If you notice something amiss with your penis, it is important to contact a health professional right away. This can often be a warning sign of more serious medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, or obesity.

Several physical determinants can cause ED. ED is very closely linked to any condition which negatively impacts blood flow and circulation. Physical determinants that negatively impact erections include high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes.

Many widely-available medicines and pills may negatively impact a man’s erection and create unwanted side effects. They can decrease the male libido or even cause the absence of semen upon orgasms.

Medications that could negatively impact an erection’s strength and time include antidepressants, antifungals, and some antihistamines.

If you have started to notice any side effects that affect the quality, frequency, and firmness of your erections, you should immediately seek professional medical advice and report this to your healthcare practitioner.

Being open about your struggles with erectile dysfunction is important as the health care professional will be able to recommend a course of treatment.

There is a wide range of psychological causes that correlate with ED. Men who are experiencing ED are often experiencing some form of mental turbulence, be it anxiety, stress, or possibly even depression.

Sleep disorders are often common in men linked with ED. Other psychological issues that can affect sexual performance include having difficulties in your relationship or having anxiety about performing in the bedroom especially if you haven’t for a while.

Sedentary lifestyles: one of the primary causes of erectile dysfunction

sedentary lifestyleOne of the biggest causes of ED is having an unhealthy lifestyle. Nowadays a lot of young people find themselves living a sedentary lifestyle. Instead of living healthy, active lifestyles, they tend to sit for hours on end entranced on video games or busy with their office jobs.

A sedentary lifestyle is defined as where a person does less than 150 minutes of exercise every week. You may find yourself falling into this category if you haven’t been doing your exercises or engaging in physical activity.

If you fall into the category of people under this category, the odds of you experiencing erectile dysfunction will substantially increase by up to 40 to 60%.

You are what you eat

That’s why a healthy diet is vital. Low fiber foods that have lots of saturated food can cause high levels of cholesterol in the blood.

This over an extended period of time can lead to a narrowing of the blood vessels. This narrowing of blood vessels also occurs in the penis which can contribute to ED.

Eating a healthy diet such as the Mediterranean diet which has lots of protein and whole grains as well as a whole host of vegetables according to some study can be a preventative step towards not getting ED.

Cut down or entirely avoid consuming alcohol or narcotics

The consumption of alcohol or drugs can have a strong impact on your ability to get an erection. It is all too common to have consumed too much alcohol and not get an erection.

Heavy drinking over an extended period can reduce testosterone levels, which is vital in maintaining an erection. Other drugs that are implicated in the ED process include Nicotine, Opiates, and Cocaine. These drugs can have a significant negative impact on blood vessels.

It is important to openly talk to your healthcare provider if you are consuming drugs or alcohol as limiting this may help determine the cause your ED. this way, he or she can determine the best course of treatment for your particular case.

There are numerous treatments available for men suffering from ED. These can include prescription medicines such as sildenafil. It must be noted, however, that there is a range of factors that can cause ED.

In some men, it can be caused by low levels of testosterone. In this case, a man can, through monthly injections, obtain testosterone replacement therapy. There are also reports of natural remedies that have shown to be helpful such as ginseng or carnitine.

Many men have also reported beneficial experiences with taking a testosterone booster supplement such as Male UltraCore, and implementing a regimen of healthy lifestyle choices.

It depends on what treatment option you are most comfortable with, and what your healthcare provider determines. The bottom line is that erectile dysfunction is pervasive among men, and it is a highly treatable condition.

It can be as simple as making some slight adjustments to your life choices and taking the supplement that is right for you.

The devastating impact of stress on your erections

depressed manErectile Dysfunction or ED can be characterized by an ability to get or to maintain an adequate erection. It can have a big impact on how content you and your partner are with your sex life.

ED can be built up to be a big deal but there is a range of treatments available and it is incredibly common. By some figures, it is estimated that somewhere in the region of 30 million men in America have had to experience it.

There is a whole range of physical factors that can determine if you will experience ED or not but one important factor to remember is the importance of your psychological factors. The most important psychological factor is stress.

The stress triggers are endless and it can have a devastating impact on the body, causing headaches, migraines, or depression. It should not be a surprise then that stress can have a big impact on your erections.

The process of getting an erection is complicated. There are many processes and complicated signals that the body needs to respond to. Stress can interfere with these signals, and the message just gets lost.

Stress is multifaceted, and there are many different types. Many younger men will experience performance anxiety before having sex with their partner for the first time.

There is also stress that comes from your working life – i.e., being made redundant or having financial troubles.

Being stressed can also lead you to make negative lifestyle choices, such as drinking or smoking. These two choices will only lead to making your ED worse. If you feel very stressed, it is recommended to talk to a therapist or health care professional.

They will be able to speak with you and give you several strategies to cope with stress. Talk therapy is very successful as it teaches you other methods for dealing with your anxiety. This is made even more comfortable with the various options for online therapy.

Thanks to the Internet, it is now easier and more accessible than ever to contact counselors and therapists. Engaging in regular aerobic exercise is another excellent way of reducing stress. Other great physical ways of reducing stress include yoga and acupuncture.

If reducing your stress hasn’t worked then it may be that a physical factor causes your ED. In that case, there is a range of treatments available. The treatments include prescription medication such as sildenafil or testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).


In the end, you need to know that erectile dysfunction is a pervasive problem for millions of men, and that there are more ways to treat it than you can shake a stick at.

There’s absolutely no shame in openly discussing with your healthcare provider your sexual health concerns, and he or she will be more than willing to help you find the right course of treatment that is best suited for your own unique medical history.

We wish you all the best in your quest against erectile dysfunction.

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Erectile Dysfunction For Men Over 50: A Primer Thu, 13 Aug 2020 10:20:52 +0000 The older you become, the more the likelihood increases of you experiencing erectile dysfunction. It…

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The older you become, the more the likelihood increases of you experiencing erectile dysfunction. It is possible to avoid ED, as in most cases, it is caused by another medical condition.

ED in men over fifty is incredibly common. Some estimates state that 1 in 3 men over the age of 50 have been bothered by ED. Many men believe that being diagnosed with ED is a death sentence, but it isn’t – there is a multitude of treatments available to fix it.

ED is characterized by an inability to maintain or keep an erection for a satisfactory period. This can be defined by an erection that may be too weak or doesn’t last as long. Having ED can also have a significant impact on your libido and sex drive.

As the human body ages, the lining of the arteries loses its flexibility. This phenomenon is the most common trigger for ED in men over the age of 5. This hardening of the arteries allows less blood to flow and, as a result, only allows for a much weaker erection.

Over time there is also the possibility of plaque building up in the arteries again, reducing the much important blood flow. The reduced blood flow results in erectile dysfunction and may be attributed to other possible heart conditions. This phenomenon of reduced blood flow is called Atherosclerosis.

It has been established that diagnosis with ED can serve as an early indicator of heart disease. Men who are diagnosed as having AD are at a much higher risk of experiencing a cardiac event.

Those with ED have twice the risk of heart conditions than those without ED. The blood vessels located in the genitals are smaller than in the rest of the body. As a result, the penis can show blood flow problems much earlier than the rest of the body.

ED can be caused by a whole other range of conditions, which include obesity and diabetes or a variety of psychological factors such as anxiety and depression. It is essential to contact a healthcare professional to get to the cause of your ED.

ED can be somewhat avoided by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and engaging in aerobic exercise for 150 minutes or more per week. The importance of avoiding alcohol and drugs cannot be underestimated.

There is a range of oral tablets available for ED treatment; these include sildenafil, testosterone booster supplements, and other analogous oral pills.

Many men have since decided to try out natural remedies such as L-arginine and ginseng, which have demonstrated effectiveness in treating the condition.

What are some other causes of erectile dysfunction for men over 50?

Erectile dysfunction isn’t solely a product of cardiovascular problems.

There are many more physical and mental determinants that may contribute to ED, including the following:

  • obese manObesity
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Sleep disorders
  • Relationship issues
  • Sleep disorders
  • Peyronie’s disease

How can older men avoid ED?

You will enjoy the most out of your erections when you’re at the best of your health. Simple lifestyle changes are so underestimated yet so effective.

These can be as simple as getting at least 150 minutes of exercise every week, sticking to a healthy diet, quitting drugs and alcohol, getting sleep, among many other things (which we will be discussing below in just a minute) – might prove to be just what you need to improve your erections.

What treatment options exist for ED?

Oral medications for erectile dysfunction have been proven to be effective for better sexual function. Sildenafil, tadalafil, and vardenafil are among the most commonly-prescribed medicines for men struggling with ED.

Other men have found that a mix of lifestyle changes and taking some natural supplements for ED is effective. Studies have shown that supplements such as ginseng, ashwagandha, fenugreek, DHEA, and other natural compounds may improve ED.

Some supplements, however, are better than others – and perhaps none more so than Male UltraCore, which includes over 10 natural testosterone-boosting compounds that can raise your performance to a whole new level.

Implementing lifestyle changes

Erectile dysfunction is totally treatable, and that the physical and emotional roots of ED are the same.

For instance, you can try the following:

  • reduce your weight
  • stop smoking and reduce your alcohol consumption
  • engage in healthy responses to dealing with stress
  • communicate closely with your sexual partner

Such strategies might take a little research and trial and error to discover what works best for you. Be sure to talk to your doctor to address any potential causes of your ED.

The Top 10 Do’s and Dont’s for Erectile Dysfunction

ED is a real problem for millions men around the world, but there are oodles and oodles of approaches you can take to help minimize it. Here are 10 do’s and don’ts you can start with.

One thing you should know is that erectile dysfunction is not a regular part of aging, and should not be dismissed as such. Regardless of your age, you should still be capable of enjoying a satisfactory sex life.

That said, if you are experiencing symptoms of ED, try these 10 tips.

Address underlying health issues associated with ED

The risks of experiencing erectile dysfunction increases with age because the underlying health problems that lead to it are also increasing as you get older.

Determining the root cause of ED begins with your doctor running you through a battery of exams and knowing your health record. Common underlying medical causes of ED are hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis, low T, or neurological disorders.

Quit smoking

Nicotine constricts your blood vessels, which is not what you want when you have sex. That’s because erections are caused by improved blood flow. Not only that, smoking also contributes to atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis hardens the arteries that bring blood to and from the heart to the rest of your body, including your penis. Go cold turkey, try a nicotine patch, or join a support group – anything to quit this health scourge.

Opt for a healthy diet

Obesity and high cholesterol are linked to ED, and both can be fixed by simply improving your diet.

For instance, stocking up on foods that are low in saturated fat, sugar, and cholesterol while eating more portions of vegetables, whole grains, and fruits will nourish your body the right way so you can enjoy the benefits of a better sex life.

Curb your alcohol consumption

Contrary to popular belief, alcohol doesn’t increase your libido. Rather, it quite literally does the opposite effect, since it is a depressant.

That’s why it’s hard to obtain and maintain an erection, much less perform, when you’ve had too much to drink. Moderation is key – while taking alcohol may reduce stress, it can worsen ED when overconsumed.


Regular exercise for at least 15 minutes a day will not just improve your general health, but may also act as an aphrodisiac. Exercise, after all, boosts blood flow to all regions of your body, including the pelvis, which is where the blood vessels that your reproductive system requires for better sexual performance are located.

Plus, you build up your endurance, reduce your blood pressure, release your stress, and help you boost self-esteem and look better.

Manage your stress

Stress and anxiety lead to depression and a general lack of interest in having sex altogether.

That’s why you should find a way to get these feelings out by either participating in a stress-relieving hobby or going for counselling. Stress is not just the number 1 killer – it kills off your libido too.

Exhaust your medical options

consulting doctorPrescription medications for ED such as sildenafil or tadalafil aren’t silver bullets that will work for everyone. Neither are their side effects enticing for some men.

That’s why you should work closely with your doctor to find the appropriate course of treatment such as taking natural testosterone booster supplements, use vacuum pump devices, or other more invasive or expensive options such as penile surgery or testosterone replacement therapy.

Communicate with your partner

Erectile dysfunction is an embarrassing subject to discuss for some men, and thus they hide it from their partners. This leads to either partner withdrawing from the relationship due to thinking that they are sexually inadequate and undesirable.

Please know that your partner also gets affected, so being honest about your situation should be a priority so that you can reduce the stress that ED causes on your relationship.

Be open about exploring ways to achieve satisfaction, and don’t feel helpless – there are many ways to treat ED.

Consider getting sexual counselling

Relationship problems confound erectile dysfunction greatly. That’s why counselling from a licensed sexual health consultant or a sex therapist may be an option for you and your partner to take.

This is a way couples can openly discuss their sexual problems and together find a solution to improve their sexual performance and desire.

Stop comparing yourself with others

Erectile dysfunction is common among men and can even be deemed as normal since it happens in 1 in 5 men. If you and your partner are comfortable with your sex life and you enjoy your intimate moments, then ED may not be as big of a deal than most men make it out to be.

If it is, then seek help – there are more ways to treat ED than you can shake a stick at. Regardless of your chosen strategy, we wish you all the best.

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Best Lower Abs Workout Fri, 07 Aug 2020 06:36:06 +0000 Nobody certainly likes to have lower belly fat. However, it is not possible to get…

The post Best Lower Abs Workout appeared first on Male UltraCore Blog.

Nobody certainly likes to have lower belly fat. However, it is not possible to get your desired six-pack by only performing a lot of crunches. If one thing is sure, it is that you cannot pack a lot of extra weight if you want to get optimal results.

Lower abs workout are essential whether you are looking to bolster your core or you want to achieve the six-pack. If you are looking to target the lower abs, you might find it a bit tricky, and it is also difficult showing them off.

This is because it is in that area that your body stores excess fat. It is important to note that if you want to make these muscles pop, you will need to be seriously dedicated (it also boils down to the type of food you eat).

Your body can be lazy when you leave it, which is why if you have a weak core, the other parts of your body would have to bear the burden. If you don’t work the lower abs enough, then your hips and back will end up suffering the consequences.

Research has shown that because of our innovative way of living life, there is a more significant number of people that are more likely to experience a forward tilt of the pelvic; this involves the forward rotation of your pelvic, which will make your spine curve.

If you want to return your pelvis to its neutral position, you will need to strengthen your core, which will also help enhance your posture. It is essential because your dynamic posture directly impacts your performance as an athlete.

So, if you want to produce the required power with your lower and upper body, you will need your spine and pelvis to have optimal stability. You can achieve this stability when your glutes and core muscles are rigid and fully functional.

These are the best lower abs workouts for you to try out;

Heel Tap Crunch

This is an exercise that mainly focuses on your lower abs, hip flexors, and obliques. If you want to make this exercise easier or harder, you can alter the distance between your glutes and your heels.

You don’t need to focus on your speed as it is more important that you know how to control your movement.

How to perform:

  • Start by lying on your back and positioning your heels close to your glutes.
  • Then you steady your core, raise your shoulders off the floor and proceed to touch your left heel with your left hand, and then your right heel with your right hand. This counts as one rep. You can choose to start with anyone first.

Mountain climber

mountain climbersThis is an exercise that works your lower abs, but you can make it more effective by performing it in a controlled and slow motion.

You need to make sure your spine and hips are as level and still as possible while performing this exercise; it is helpful to imagine that you are trying to balance a glass of water on your back.

How to perform:

  • Mount your position on your mat as if you are in a sprinter’s blocks, keep one foot back and the other one under your weight, while making sure that your leg is straight.
  • Ensure you stack your shoulders and make them align with your hands that are positioned on your mat, while your body’s position should be a neutral plank all the time. Then you interchange your foot positions.

Side plank

While a side plank is excellent for your transverse abdominal obliques and muscles, it has been found to work your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. You can make this exercise more challenging by lifting your upper arm or leg.

How to perform:

  • Start by lying on your right side and ensure that your knees are not bent at all. Then you bolster the upper part of your body so that its weight is taken on by your forearm.
  • Steady your core, then lift your hips till your body forms a 180-degree angle. Maintain this position and keep taking deep breaths. Then, switch over to your other side and repeat the process.

Reverse crunch

This is an exercise that focuses on your rectus abdominis, which is the muscle that runs down your abdomen. If you want to get your six-pack fired up, then you can add a cable machine or resistance bands.

How to perform:

  • Start by lying on your back while keeping your arms at your sides and on your mat, ensure your palms are facing down.
  • Then you bend your knees and contract your abs to move them closer to your chest. While they are rising, spin your pelvis to raise your hips.
  • Then you tighten at the top before lowering your thighs slowly until they form a 90-degree angle with your mat.

Oblique crunch

This exercise aims at strengthening your core muscles and most especially your obliques. If you want to make it more challenging, raise your legs off the ground a bit during the time frame before you switch sides.

How to perform:

  • Start by lying down with your back and your feet flat on the mat and your knees bent. Place your right hand behind your head, your left palm should be down and form a 90-degree angle with your torso, and your elbows flared out.
  • Then you start contracting your abs which would help raise your shoulders from the mat and then turn your body so that your right elbow is moved closer to your left knee. Then lower slowly and do all the reps from the top before you switch sides.

Front leg raise

Do you feel like your back is arching? If you want to reduce the strain on your lower back and continue working your lower abs, you can do this one leg at a time, and then keep the other one in a 90-degree angle.

If you want to add more resistance, each time at the top of the motion, you can raise your glutes off the floor, or you can hold a Swiss ball between your ankles.

How to perform:

  • Start by lying with your back on a bench and keep your leg stretched out in front of you off the end. Then with the use of your hands, steady yourself by holding on to the bench.
  • Put your hands by the sides and hold on to the bench or place them under your glutes with your palms down.
  • Ensure that your legs are as straight as possible, then exhale and lift them until they form a 90-degree angle with the floor. Then slowly return to the initial position.

Medicine ball jackknife

This is a very effective exercise as you will be able to feel the burn immediately. While it mainly focuses on working the rectus abdominis, it also works about 11 other muscles in your body.

If you want to take things to the next level, you can take your feet off the ground before each rep.

How to perform:

  • Start by taking a medicine ball. Then you lie down on your back while holding the ball over your head. You should ensure that your legs and arms are extended with your feet and hands raised above the floor.
  • Then you start the exercise by raising your legs and torso simultaneously to touch the medicine ball with your feet. Then to complete one rep, you slowly lower back to the floor.

Benefits of these workouts

Not just for looks

absWorking your abs don’t just give you the six-pack, it is also vital for your balance, respiratory stability functions like breathing, support of the spine, and posture.

If you build endurance and strength in these muscles, you will notice benefits like reduced back pain, improve stability and balance, improved posture, and better respiratory functionality.

Reduced lower back pain

It is a well-known fact that most people now experience lower back aid, and most often, this is caused by weak abdominal muscles. You can experience chronic lower back pain if you do not exercise your lower back muscles.

This is because they can become rigid in the joint areas. When you opt to perform abs workouts, they work your spine and back muscles, which will make them less rigid and more flexible, resulting in reduced lower back pain.

Doing these workouts would also enhance your body posture when standing, sitting, or walking, which would make you less susceptible to having back pain linked with poor posture.

Better stability and posture

It has been established that abs workouts focus on your abdominal muscles, which are essential for balance and posture. If you constantly engage in sports, then you need stability. Stability is also essential for older adults that tend to slip and tumble constantly.

These abs workouts are effective when it comes to strengthening the muscles surrounding your spine, and they also enhance your posture because your body weight is adequately distributed.

If you want to maintain good health and increased confidence for your spine, you need to have a good posture. All these workouts are vital for your posture, stability, and balance.

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Biceps Workouts You Can Do at Home Fri, 07 Aug 2020 06:30:45 +0000 When it is time to work your arms, and you want to make your workout…

The post Biceps Workouts You Can Do at Home appeared first on Male UltraCore Blog.

When it is time to work your arms, and you want to make your workout very effective, there are some biceps workouts you should try. If you are looking to improve your appearance or your increase in mass and strength, then you can as well start with biceps workouts.

The muscles comprise of a short and long head, which come together to handle responsibilities like movements that include curling and flexing, which would lead to your arms popping.

Whether you are trying to impress or do anything related to that, the biceps are the easiest part of the body to show off.

The following are the best biceps workouts you can do at home that will significantly work on your biceps by either focusing on the short head or the long head.

These exercises focus mainly on your biceps, but it can also be beneficial to your triceps, pectorals, forearms, and shoulders. If you feel that the workout is becoming too challenging, you can try using a smaller dumbbell or alter your movements.

For the following workouts, you will need to complete 12 repetitions for each of them. Then, when you are done with all the exercises, you would have completed one cycle. It would be best if you kept going until you are done with three cycles.

Bicep curls

This is a very common bicep exercise, and it is the go-to exercise anytime you are told to perform a curl.

This is how to perform a dumbbell bicep curl:

  • bicep curlFirst, stand straight and ensure that your feet are slightly apart from each other while you bend your knees a little.
  • Take two dumbbells and use an underhand grip to hold one in each hand. Ensure that your elbows align with your torso, then you follow through with curling the dumbbells up to your shoulders.
  • At the top of the curl, you tighten your biceps. Then you slowly start straightening your arm back to a totally outstretched position with the use of controlled motion.

Reverse curls

Just as the name suggests, you will need to do your curls in a reversed format.

This is how to perform the reverse curl:

  • Grab two dumbbells and hold them in each hand with an overhand grip and keep your hands at your side and your palms should face down.
  • Ensure that your elbows are pulled inward towards your sides before you start curling the dumbbells up to your shoulders.
  • Then you lower your arms back down slowly while ensuring that your palms are still facing downward.

Hammer curls

This bicep exercise is called hammer curls because it involves the lifting and laying down the hammer.

This is how to perform the hammer curl:

  • First, you start by grabbing your dumbbells and holding them down by your sides, and ensure that your thumbs are facing up while your palms should be facing inward.
  • Then ensure that your elbows are pulled into your sides before you start curling the dumbbells up to your shoulders.
  • Then you wrap up the movement by stretching your arms down with a slow and controlled pace.

W curls

This bicep exercise is properly named because while performing it; your arms would be in the shape of the letter “W”.

This is how to perform this exercise:

  • First, you start by stretching your hands all the way down beside you while holding your dumbbells in an underhand grip format.
  • Then ensure that your palms are facing outward and that you have the back of your hands beside you.
  • Then, you proceed to raise your arms until they form a 45-degree angle. When you have achieved the W shape with your hands, you can then return them slowly to the initial position.

Zottman curls

This is named after the late George Zottman, who was a 19th-century weightlifter.

This is how to perform the Zottman curls:

  • First, you start by stretching your hands all the way down while holding your dumbbells with an underhand grip.
  • Then you start curling your arms up just as you would when performing a bicep curl.
  • When the dumbbells have gotten to your shoulder level, then you proceed to rotate your hands to ensure that your palms are facing down and you have an overhand grip.
  • Then you lower your arms slowly with the use of a controlled motion just as you would when performing a reverse curl.
  • When your hands have been fully stretched back down, you can then return them to an underhand grip.

Isolated single-arm curls

This bicep exercise rounds up with isolated single-arm curls.

This is how to perform the isolated single-arm curls:

  • First, you start by fully stretching out your arms to the sides, so that they form a T-shape with the rest of your body.
  • Then you grab your dumbbells in an underhand grip format while ensuring that your palms are facing upwards.
  • Then you start curling one arm till it forms an angle 90.
  • Then you revert the arm to its initial position so that it is parallel with the floor.
  • While you are working on one arm, ensure that the other one is kept in a stretched out position the whole time. When you are done with the reps on one arm, carry out the same steps with the other arm.

Crossbody curls

This bicep exercise involves you alternating between your two arms. But it would be best if you did equal reps for both hands.

This is how to perform the crossbody curls:

  • First, you start by stretching out your arm down and out at your sides while holding the dumbbells with an overhand grip.
  • Then you proceed to curl the thumb-side of your right hand to your left shoulder
  • Ensure that you take the dumbbell across your body before you return it down slowly.
  • When you are done with your right arm, repeat the process with your left arm.

Things to avoid when doing biceps workouts

It is for the fact that a lot of guys want to get bigger biceps. However, with all of the workouts, some guys still find it hard to get bigger arms. There are some things you should keep in mind while you are working your biceps so that you will get the best out of your workouts.

Not eating enough

One of the most common problems that guys face when they are trying to buff their biceps is that they are not big enough. For instance, a guy that is 6 inches tall and weighs about 160 pounds would never be able to achieve bigger biceps as he is too skinny.

If you are looking to get bigger biceps, then you need to get bigger all round. So eat more to achieve bigger biceps. A rule to follow is first to take your height and then subtract 100 from it.

What you get is the minimum you should weigh in kilograms. For instance, if you are 6 inches (183cm), you have to weight at least 83kg. So, if you are not up to that, try to eat more.

Not varying the stimulus

bicepsWhen most people are working their biceps, they use normal dumbbells, cables, and barbells only. Even though these would still work, you can stimulate your biceps in a different way with the use of other tools when you are working out.

For instance, you can use a thick-handle dumbbell to activate more musculature and enhance your neutral drive. If you don’t have access to thick-handle dumbbells, you can use fat grips or wrap a hand towel around the handles.

You can also make use of bands to fire past sticking points when you are performing exercises like the bicep curl. During this exercise, the biceps are engaged more around the upper half of the movement than the lower half.

Do not lift more than you can handle

It is not normal to see men carrying heavy 50-pound dumbbells to perform full-body curls. While working your biceps, you are not lifting to impressing anybody. So, it would be best if you came down to weights that you are sure of curling effectively.

Also, you must focus on the eccentric part of your movements. You can count to three while you slowly lower the dumbbell on each rep.

Don’t ignore your grip strength

Recent research has shown that grip strength might be experiencing a decline.

Studies that tested some men showed that they had noticeably weaker hand grips in comparison to young people that were tested in the 1980s. Your grip strength is not only essential for heavy lifts and handshakes.

Surprisingly, research has shown that is linked with longevity as it has been suggested that people who had weaker levels of grip strength are about 50% more susceptible to dying earlier than people who have stronger levels.

Do not neglect your triceps

When working their biceps, most guys do not remember to work their triceps too. It is important to note that the triceps make up two-thirds of your upper arm. So you should focus equally on your biceps and triceps if you want to really build your arms.

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Symptoms of HIV in Men Fri, 07 Aug 2020 06:22:11 +0000 HIV, known as the human immunodeficiency virus, is a very deadly virus that usually attacks…

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HIV, known as the human immunodeficiency virus, is a very deadly virus that usually attacks the body’s immune system. It has been found to affect the CD4 cells most. These cells are mainly responsible for protecting your body from sicknesses.

HIV is not like other viruses that can be destroyed by the immune system. HIV often presents itself with different symptoms in people, which is why it is rare for two people to experience the same symptoms. Some people might not experience any symptoms until after a long period.

Despite that, this disease still follows a pattern. First, it starts with acute illness, then proceeds to an asymptomatic period, before getting to the advanced infection stage.

Acute Illness

Research has shown that over 80% of people that get infected with HIV begin to notice some flu-like symptoms after about 14days up to one month.

These symptoms are referred to as acute HIV infection. This is the initial stage of the virus, and it stays in this stage until your body creates antibodies to combat the virus.

These are some of the main symptoms people experience when HIV is in this stage;

  • Fever
  • Serious headaches
  • Body rash
  • Sore throat

These are some of the less likely symptoms to expect in this stage;

  • Inflamed lymph nodes
  • Fatigue
  • Aches in your muscles
  • Pains in your joints
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Sweating at night
  • Ulcers on your genitals or mouth

Generally, these symptoms do not clear until about 14 days. If you are experiencing these symptoms and you think you may have the virus, you should make time to see your doctor as soon as possible so that you can be tested.

Symptoms that only men experience

It is a well-known fact that men and women tend to experience the same HIV symptoms, but some symptoms are specific to only men. These are the symptoms;

Low sex drive

This could be that you have hypogonadism, which is a condition where your testicles are not capable of producing enough testosterone. It is also linked to HIV.

depressed manThese are some of the other symptoms that accompany hypogonadism;

  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Decreased hair growth on your face and body
  • Significant growth of breast tissue
  • Erectile dysfunction

Sores on your penis

A man that has HIV tends to have painful and open ulcers or sores on his esophagus or mouth. However, these sores could appear in places like the penis or anus, and they are recurrent.

Burning sensation while urinating

Most time, this is a sign that you have a sexually transmitted disease like chlamydia or gonorrhea.

It may also lead to the inflammation of the prostate gland, which is a small gland located under your bladder. This is a condition known as prostatitis; a bacterial infection could also cause it.

These are some of the other symptoms that accompany prostatitis;

  • A frequent urge to pee
  • Having pains while ejaculating
  • Traces of blood in your urine
  • Having pain in your testicles, penis, bladder, or the part between your rectum and scrotum
  • Pain in your abdomen, groin, or lower back

Asymptomatic period

When the first symptoms have cleared up, HIV may not present itself with any other symptoms until some months or years. At this point, the virus starts multiplying and attacking your immune system.

People who are at this stage of the disease would not look or feel sick, although HIV is active. It is also possible to transfer the virus easily from one person to the other at this stage. This is why it is advisable to get tested early, even if you think you feel fine.

Advanced infection

It could take a while, but HIV will inevitably break down the immune system of the person that has it. At this point, it would have gotten to stage 3 HIV, which is widely known as AIDS. This is often referred to as the final stage of the virus.

Anybody that reaches this stage would already have a seriously weakened immune system, which would make you more likely to have opportunistic infections.

The body of a healthy person can normally fight these infections, but it could be especially detrimental to someone with HIV. People that have contracted this virus would notice an increase in their frequency of having diseases like fungal infections, cold, and flu.

These are some of the other symptoms that accompany AIDS;

  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Stubborn diarrhea
  • Rapid loss of weight
  • Severe fatigue
  • Loss of memory, neurological conditions, or confusion
  • Lengthy inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin, neck, or armpits
  • Lesions, rashes, or sores in your nose or mouth, under your skin, or on your genitals
  • Night sweats and chills.
  • Shortness of breath and cough.

How HIV progresses

As this virus moves from one stage to another, it would keep attacking and eliminating the CD4 cells until the body is no longer capable of fighting off diseases and infections.

Due to this occurrence, the condition would proceed to stage 3 HIV, and the time taken for it to reach this stage can range from a few months to several years.

It is not everybody that contracts HIV that would get to stage 3 as it can be controlled using a medication known as antiretroviral therapy.

This is a medication combination that is sometimes known as highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) or combination antiviral therapy (cART). This drug therapy aims to stop the virus from replicating itself.

However, even as it is capable of improving the quality of life and stopping the progression of the virus, this treatment should be started early as that is when it is most effective.

How common is HIV?

Research has shown that over 1.1 million Americans are living with HIV. At some point in the year 2016, it was estimated the number of HIV diagnoses in the US were 39,781. Out of the cases, about 81% were men who are aged 13 or above.

HIV is a virus that can affect anybody regardless of your gender, sexual orientation, or race. HIV moves from one person to another by coming in contact with semen, vaginal fluids, or blood that are positive with the virus.

If you do not use a condom when having sex with someone that has HIV, then you are increasing your chances of contracting the diseases.

Get tested early

HIV testIf you are a person that has an active sexual life or you feel you have shared personal objects with a suspected HIV patient, you should visit your doctor to take a test, especially if you are noticing any of the symptoms.

It is recommended that you go for yearly tests if you use intravenous drugs, are sexually active and have more than one partner, or if you have had unprotected sex with an HIV patient. The testing is easy and fast, and it only needs a little sample of your blood.

You can easily get an HIV test as a lot of community health centers, substance misuse programs, and medical clinics can get you tested.

You can also choose to order a home HIV test kit like the OraQuick In-Home HIV Test. By using these home test kits, you would not need to send your samples to a lab. Just by using an oral swab, you can get results in less than 45 minutes.

How to protect yourself against HIV

Research has shown that up to 15% of people that have HIV don’t know that they are living with this. While the yearly number of HIV transmissions is stable, there has been an increase in the number of people living with the disease.

This is why it is vital to be educated on the symptoms of HIV and get tested to be sure that you don’t have it. One effective way of protecting yourself from contracting this virus is by avoiding contact with bodily fluids that might have the virus.

These are some of the measures you should take to make you less susceptible to contracting the virus;

Use a condom when having anal or vaginal sex

When condoms are used properly, they would be very efficient when protecting yourself from HIV.

Do not use intravenous drugs

Try as much as possible not to reuse or share needles

Be careful

Your chances of contracting HIV may be reduced if you treat all blood as though they may be infectious

Get tested: getting tested

The surest way to ensure that you do not have HIV is to get tested. If you end up being positive for HIV, you will be provided an appropriate treatment plan along with everything you need to know so as not to transfer the virus to another person.


A cure has still not been made for HIV. However, if it is discovered early and you begin treatment fast, it could slow down the progression and, at the same time, enhance your quality of life.

Research has shown that people with HIV can live a close to normal life if they start treatment before the virus damages the immune system.

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Increase Testosterone with Lentil and Beetroot Salad with Tofu Feta Wed, 05 Aug 2020 22:33:28 +0000 The testosterone hormone is prevalent in the body. It is present in both males and…

The post Increase Testosterone with Lentil and Beetroot Salad with Tofu Feta appeared first on Male UltraCore Blog.

The testosterone hormone is prevalent in the body. It is present in both males and females but is most present in males. It is majorly responsible for the development and growth of the physical and sexual attributes of a man.

The testosterone level in a man must be maintained at a neutral level to avoid certain complications and issues. There will be issues if you have excess levels of testosterone in your body, also known as hypergonadism.

There will also be complications if you have low levels of testosterone, also known as hypogonadism. As men begin to age, there is a decline in their testosterone levels, which is entirely reasonable. However, some techniques can be put in place to increase the testosterone level.

Some individuals engage in artificial methods of increasing their testosterone levels while some engage in natural methods. By far, natural methods, if increasing your testosterone levels, have been known to have little or no side effects.

This is because the necessary ingredients for the natural method include nutrients. Some foods are known to be very useful when it comes to increasing testosterone levels in men. This occurs because of certain nutrients like zinc, magnesium, and protein, which they contain.

The lentil and beetroot salad with tofu feta is known to have nutrients that are very good for increasing the testosterone levels in men.


  • tofuTwo cups of lentils
  • Two cups of cooked beetroots
  • A handful of almonds
  • A handful of fresh dill
  • Tofu feta
  • A juice of a lemon
  • A pinch of salt
  • Tofu block
  • Two tablespoons of apple vinegar
  • A handful of parsley
  • Two and a half spoon of olive oil
  • Pepper and salt
  • One and a half spoon of maple syrup


  • Begin by making the tofu feta. Roll it on a cloth and squeeze it till all the liquid is drained out. Cut it into smaller parts and pour it in a large bowl while mixing the ingredients. After mixing your tofu, cover it and place it in the fridge. When you want to serve, take out your required amount and return it to the fridge.
  • Place the ingredients in the fridge in your salad bowl and turn them well.
  • Mix all your ingredients in a bowl and close it while shaking it properly.
  • Add your vinaigrette to your salad mix and let it settle for twenty minutes before you eat.

Benefits of the zinc nutrient

Zinc is a beneficial nutrient when it comes to performing significant functions in your body. Apart from this, zinc has numerous benefits, like the reduction of diseases like diarrhea, colds, and zinc efficiency.

It also aids in fast recoveries from injuries, better functioning of your immune system, moderate sugar level, better heart functioning, and a low rate of muscle degeneration.

Foods highly rich in zinc include milk, beef, crab, lentils, cashews, mushrooms, peas, turkey, bison, lobster, and even kidney beans. Products from animals are known to contain the highest amount of zinc in a form that your body can effortlessly absorb.

Benefits of protein

Proteins are well-known nutrients capable of performing varieties of functions in the body. Protein is known for maintaining the body and aiding in the all-round growth of your body.

It also causes varieties of biochemical reactions in your body like digestion, blood clotting, production of energy, and contraction of your muscles. It also performs the functions of a messenger in your body and develops a good structure.

It boosts your immune system while balancing the fluids in your body. Foods rich in protein include eggs, oats, chicken breast, milk, almonds, tuna, pumpkin seeds, and shrimp.

Benefits of magnesium

magnesium foodMagnesium is a significant mineral which ensures the proper functioning of your body. You need to consume magnesium to derive its benefits because your body does not produce it.

Magnesium aids in reducing your blood pressure levels, improving your mood, controlling your blood sugar levels, reducing your heart condition risks, and reducing the occurrence of migraines.

Foods rich in magnesium include pumpkin seeds, cashews, peanuts, almonds, spinach, and even bananas.


Testosterone is regarded as the primary sex hormone, which is produced by both men and women. However, it is more present in men than it is in women. It develops the physical and sexual characteristics of a man.

After thirty years, most men experience a fall in their level of testosterone as a result of aging. This is, however, a natural occurrence that can be lessened through natural means.

The consumption of some specific types of food and nutrient has been proven to increase your testosterone levels. A meal like lentil and a beetroot salad with tofu feta containing magnesium, zinc, and protein is proven to be efficient for men with low testosterone levels.

The post Increase Testosterone with Lentil and Beetroot Salad with Tofu Feta appeared first on Male UltraCore Blog.

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